Chemo JAN 2017

Oh thanks Ali.
Now why didn’t I think of Google?

Good old Dr Google has been my frenemy thoughtout this journey ?

I’m day 3 after round 3 and so far so good - except for the insomnia! I get it every time for 3-4 days after chemo due to steroids - despite taking the last ones around noon. Fall asleep quickly around 9pm then up for about 3 hours in the night… know I shouldn’t look at my phone really ? Started making a mental list of all the fun things I’m going to do once I’ve beaten this - more enjoyable than my mind going mad about the cancer and chemo which is what it usually does in the early hours.

I was a bit queasy evening of chemo but took a trusty domperidine and went to bed to sleep it off. Managed a big walk around the park with a friend yesterday and that did the world of good.

Re supplements - I’m taking vitamin c everescent, sambucal immune defence, vitamin d, echinacea and eating plenty of red meat. Probably too much vit c but really want to defend against the nursery germs my 2yo brings home ?

Blueash - I’d not read about red meat but on round one I hardly had any and got totally breathless around the time red cell count drops - frankly it was scary! My mum suggested red meat to help so since then I’ve been eating it every day - more than I ever would have before and I’ve not had that breathless since and have felt more energised after the first 5 days of naps.

Jackie - I hope you’re feeling well after round 2. I’m only a 1/4 of the way through my chemo but every round is one closer to celebrating!

Egg - fingers crossed for Monday, I understand your disappointment at the delay. Pesky blood cells!

Sorry for the huge long post - hope everyone else is having a good sleep ?


P.s. Me again! The nurse weighed me and I’ve gained over a stone since diagnosis in November - about 4lbs of that since chemo started ? Gonna keep the red meat but try to cut out some of the comfort food. I know this isn’t the time for crazy diets so will try to go for balance and keeping weight steadily going down if I can. I have my sis wedding at the end of May - great timing as it will be the wk before my last chemo so probably feeling and looking my worst. any tips for non fattening food that help with the queasiness would be much appreciated! Thanks guys ?

Wtp - you are up early and I feel your pain! I was also up at the crack of dawn with the blooming steroid last time. I took the same supplements as you before chemo but then stopped them (oncologist scaremongering me) but I wonder if that is also what has made my neutrophils drop so much. I tried to cut the red meat back as was so constipated after Round 1. May try your approach next round and see if it’s better for my blood! I don’t know if it would be your cup of tea but I ate a lot of congee (Chinese rice porridge) during the nausea stage. Really easy to make - put lots of ginger and leek and fish (or meat). It’s soft and easy to eat but also v tasty - I grew up eating it so love it but maybe it’s not to everyone’s taste. I can send you recipe if you want to try! Hope you get some rest today.
Jackie - glad second round went well. High blood count better than low in my opinion!
Mooney - I have some wig tape that stops my wig from slipping. Learned my lesson when I had a beanie on over the wig and pulled it off only to take the wig with it! Cue horror all round from young sons! ? Ahhhh the things we have to find humour in
Egg x

Just wanted to check in here as I have been wanting to comment on lots of things and not had time.  Just scrolled back through thread to try to remind myself who said what.


Blueash - I can’t get the image of the two Macmillan nurses comforting your husband while you were ignored out of my mind.  It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.


Stefr - I hope you are doing ok.  I think about you a lot and what you must be coping with.


Ali - lovely scarves, lovely grandson!  Pretty lady.


Wtp - great news about shrinkage, glad you’re happy.


Egg - I really feel for you with the delay.  I have had a few delays and I hate them.


Mooney and anyone else with wig issues - seriously my wig is really comfortable.  I think it’s worth trying it without a wig cap, and adjust the band so it’s as big as possible.  It will sit on your head and the weight of the wig will prevent it slipping off.  I felt secure, but realised I couldn’t just pull a jumper off over my head or anything like that!  I could not cope with headaches and itching on top of everything else.


I’m on day 11 of cycle 2 and still feeling rough.  This cycle has in some ways been worse than the first as the tiredness and general yuckiness have dragged on far longer.  I seem to have a lot of side effects still - sore aching arm where the chemo went in, queasy stomach, bowel ‘issues’, sore mouth and tongue (but that could be due to white cells dropping).


Did second day of work yesterday but finished early which was great.  Not sure I would say yes to such long days again but I was assuming I would have been feeling better by now, judging by first cycle where I was pretty much normal from Day 5. 


Anyway - hope we all have good weekends.  R x

Thanks everyone :slight_smile:

I second what Robin said about ditching the wig cap. With the cap on I got a horrendous headache after 1-2 hours but without it I wore the wig (on largest setting) for 14 hours at an all day/evening work thing.

Egg - I’d love to try that recipe - sounds great! Thank you :slight_smile:

Last steroids to be taken shortly so hoping to get a better night’s sleep tomorrow!

Blueash - did you have weekly docetaxel or every three weeks? Do you get even more steroids on that drug? After my fourth EC, I’m going to Taxol next, every week for 12 weeks…

Had my ultra sound just now and the sonographer verified that it had got thinner but was still wide (doesn’t all got on one screen!) and a funny shape so looking like mastectomy which is fine - so long as it is responding! He said it looked like it had gone on a diet ??

Enjoy your weekends everyone xxx

Afternoon all

Just catching up as I feel like I’ve been in hiberation for the first week post chemo, Day 9 and the energy is back and the final g-csf jabof the cycle given by OH thismorning. Yipee. Had the blues about the lump showing no signs of abating. Sometimes you just want a little comfort from knowing that things are getting better. Anyway just back from a lovely walk alomg Tynemouth beach. Very bracing but finished off in the shack cafe for egg and chips and a mug of tea. Perfect! Love to all. Oh I’ll post a pic of the beach if I can work out how


So right about beaches - managed to get down to Dorset last weekend and the memeory of our lovely bracing walks has helped sustain me through a tough couple of days since chemo 2 this Tuesday. Think I will have to give up on cold cap as so much shedding but got wig ready. As someone said, this journey just keeps on giving, but we are all moving forward and at some point there will be light at the end of this wintry tunnel. So good to have this support online too. Hugs all X

Hi all,
Robin J, like you I’m now day 10 of 2nd cycle and my side effects are worse than first time. I’ve struggled with nausea and a really awful woozy feeling affecting my eyes and constipation. Like you I felt pretty well back to normal after 4-5 days on the 1st cycle but not this time. :frowning:

I managed to get to clevedon pier this week but hope to get to Dorset (charmouth) for another beach day soon!

Good Morning everyone. I just had to share this. My step daughter just ran a 10km for Cancer Research this morning and put my name on her bib. She just sent a photo of her finishing and said " I sprinted the last km until my heart broke xx". We are going to do it together next year. I am not usually moved to tears but she got me! For all of you too. Beedot xx

Oh, Beedot,


Now I’m in tears too. But in a very good way! 


Ali x

Oh Beedot,

Tears here too, good ones, thanks for sharing, give her a hug from us all Xx

Gulp Beedot. Give her a hug from all of us x

Fantastic Beedot. A thought and inspiration for us all. Next year, don’t think I could run 10k, but maybe 5k?
Something to work towards. health, fitness and 5 km.

Bloods came up over the weekend! So am booked for chemo today at 230pm! Hooray! Who would ever have thought I would be happy to be having chemo?? I will no doubt be posting at 430am tomorrow morning when I am wide awake from the steroids. Thanks to all of you for your good wishes!

Ebim and Beedot - not sure if you are cold capping. I didn’t and have managed to keep hair until now (second cycle) - but it was dropping so over the weekend I got fed up and shaved it to a grade 4. I washed it as normal and used a wide tooth comb - because in the end I figured it was going to fall out anyway so may as well make the most of it whilst I still had it! I used a towelling turban to dry it though so that I didn’t rub it and make it fall out. Not sure if that helped

yeah Egg
Great news! xx

Beedot you are right about the humour. Yesterday I entertained myself by getting the dog to pose for me while wearing my wig and posting the photo on Facebook. She suits a blonde bob apparently!

Hahha Beedot that was me picking hairs out of pizza!
Round 2 done! Am home now feeling a bit odd but 2 down…
Will have an early night and see if I can sleep…
Have a good night everyone
Egg x