Chemo JAN 2017

Hi Scotty and Mooney,


i havent got input on the drug, but try not to worry too much about the blood pressure. When they took mine before chemo yesterday it was really high (142/99) and it’s normally 120/72. They just said ‘it’s quite stressful, isn’t it?’ And let it go. 


Ali x

Hello to everyone on here.  I’m finding it very helpful reading everyone’s experiences so thank you all for posting.  Just been to hospital for blood tests; I have my first FEC dose tomorrow.  I’m nervous as anything, but also weirdly looking forward to it as the sooner it starts, the sooner it finishes.  Good luck to all other first timers this week.  R xx

m trying not to beat myself up. This phobia has been a part of me for a long time and I don’t expect people to really get it. I just know that I need to put myself in the best place mentally to tackle this and if that means a little blue pill so be it. Don’t be cross with yourself. It’s not stupid. Do it whatever way works for you x

Good luck tomorrow Robinx

Thanks Scotty.  Don’t be cross with yourself - everyone has phobias about something.  If people need calming down, have you tried Kalms?  Herbal, but can be quite effective and soporific too.

Hi Ladies,

this is my first post, signing up for the January chemo group, not sure I am doing this right but let’s see. I am due for my first session next Monday (FEC-T) and blood test tomorrow. I have been reading the posts for a few days and I have found it so helpful to hear your experiences  - like Scotty and Mooney I have had a phobia of needles and tend to plaster myself against the nearest wall as they approach. I was shaking so much when I had the cannula for the dye on a CT scan that I am surprised they got any clear images at all! but I am gradually getting used to them. I told the team that there was no way I wanted a portacath but I am reassured by reports back from this group that actually it might be a good thing. I am also hugely impressed to hear that Ali went home on the tube and to read Wtp’s feedback after a few days, I was thinking I wouldn’t be able to walk or talk!

I have had my surgery and that was all do-able. So, I know I have to toughen up and that I will cope when it comes to chemo but right now I am not feeling very brave at the prospect! Good luck to Robin for tomorrow and everyone else starting in January.


Beedot x

Welcome, Beedot.


i know it’s a bit of a weird thing to say, but it’s lovely to see this group building up. 


I’m still feeling ok. Done some work, but mostly emails and easy things sitting on the sofa. I feel pretty lucky, but I know plenty of others are finding it manageable.


I’m sure we will see you on here again before you start chemo, so I won’t say good luck yet. 


Ali x

Hi Beedot and welcome,

I am also starting FEC-T next week, on Tuesday, so we can compare notes. LIke you I found the surgery do-able but this stage seems more of a challenge to say the least. However, we can all encourage each other.

All the best,


I GOT MY PICC LINE FITTED!! so proud of myself and relieved. Another demon slain. If I can beat the past I can conquer the future. Almost happy!!!

You star, Scotty. So pleased for you.

Ali x

Well done Scotty-we are stronger than we think we are!
I was supposed to have had my chemo today but some poor man had a cardiac arrest in the oncology waiting room. Visitor not patient. All the staff from rhe unit poured out to help resuscitate him. He survived - but the poor staff were hours behind. So now 1.30 tomorrow. However nurse will have me written up for something to take edge of my anxiety for tomorrow. God Bless our NHS.

Thanks you so much you virtual lovelies. This was the thing that was panicking me the most. How the hell are they going to get the magic juice in me in the first place?? I don’t want to go into details that people feel uncomfortable with but I have just come out the other side of PTSD after suffering trauma and having a needle is akin to me as being held down by strangers and having no control and is my idea of living hell. I ust didn’t want you lovely people on her going oh is she off on one about bloody needles again. Hearing you say you are proud makes me feel ridiciously happy and smiley. Today was a good day xx Emma

Good for you Scotty!!
Moonie, you and I are going to be same day starters now!
One quick question - I normally take a multivitamin, a cranberry capsule and a vitamin C every morning. Do you think it’s ok to keep taking these during chemo?

Chemmo Buddies!!

Not sue. More experience people will be along no doubt. Does Vit C interfere with something? If in doubt ask nurse and let me know. I’ll be 9:00 Thursay in a small hospital in the rural North looking over fields for the first 3. Getting my son to upload games and tv programmes onto IPad. Have to swap stories and tips and keep each other company during our road to recovery x

Lol! Love this group! who else would be so pleased to be chemo buddies! The group nobody except us wants to belong to! Think there is something about vitamin c , better check with team. Hugsxxx

Ohhh I’ve been taken Vit C everyday so I hope it’s ok! I’ve really felt the need to do whatever I can to help the immune system.
One tip I’m going to do for round two is to batch cook during the time I feel totally fine - lots of healthy home cooked meals - and freeze them! We found a couple of days when I was feeling coldy and my husband was also taken down (man flu haha!) we ended up with pizza as it was the easy option. However, what I really wanted was fresh soup so I’m going to get that all prepped for next time.
I feel like I need to give my body as much help as possible :slight_smile: or maybe it’s just the post-Xmas guilt haha!!
Good luck everyone - stay positive and I’m trying to think of the drugs as lifesavers rather than poison for round 2 to keep me calm :slight_smile: xxx

Good luck for today, Robin and Mooney

(And anyone else I’ve missed)

Ali xx

To the chemo buddies Robyn and Mooney - good luck. If you feel up to it later, let us know how you got on.

Emma (Scotty) x

Thanks Emma and Ali. Well today didnt go as smoothly as I hoped. Got there to find they were expecting me next week due to admin mix up. Put my foot down and said I was meant to have started in December and have already been postponed three weeks. They agreed to do me today but said it would be at least two hours of waiting while the pharmacy made up the drugs. In fact it was more like three. Then they couldn’t find a good enough vein to canulate. Eventually got one in at fourth attempt. Felt like a pin cushion! Hope this isn’t going to be a regular feature. After all that when it got to the actual chemo (FEC) it was surprisingly quick and painless. Husband collected me and I’ve been home nearly an hour. Feeling completely normal so far but it’s early days! I’m even working this evening (tutoring a student who comes to me for an hour so not taxing). Then I will take the anti sickness pill, eat supper (still have an appetite), tv and bed. Hope it went well for you today Mooney.

I asked the nurse about vitamin c and multivitamins and she said it was ok to take them. So I think I’ll add them to the mix. Want to boost immunity. But it might be worth checking with oncology teams as well.