Chemo JAN 2017

Hi everyone. Just catching up on the thread after a few days away in Wales enjoying the sunshine.

Firstly, thank you Jackie for my rad grad certificate! You are a real trooper, especially with your long journeys each day - thank you it does mean so much to receive a certificate. X

Blue I’m glad your op has gone well. As the others have said continue with your exercises, I think it’s really important in a good recovery. I had a full clearance in November and I still have numbness in my armpit, arm and round the back of my armpit. At times I find this quite unpleasant and I don’t know if I will ever get a full sensation back. I didn’t have a drain but did have a seroma which “sloshed” around for a few weeks and then slowly dispersed. Moisturise daily to help your scar heal.

Ebim - I had surgery in November and still have blue boob syndrome!! Don’t worry it is only in your nipple.

Scotty thinking of you for tomorrow. Xx

Legs have been shaved 3 times since end of chemo - only wished my head hair would grow so quick!

Physically things are starting to get better, mentally I’m struggling … seem to be constantly worried about recurrence and an overwhelming concern that I won’t be a granny, my children are 18 and 21. I m struggling emotionally to see how you can move on.

Take care all. Xx

Morning all, its been busy on here! I am just catching up with everyones news.

Blue/ scotty I hope the recovery is going well.

 - I had full axillary clearance which was 12 nodes for me - I still have numbness and sensation change from just below my shoulder, through my armpit and round to the back over my shoulder blades. My surgergy was start of Dec. Its more annoying than troublesome, I tend to forget about it. My surgeon has said its unlikely that the sensation will return, but not unheard of, it can take up to two years.  The main issues for me at time of surgery was the pain associated with the nerve ending re engaging, and seromas that needed draining a few times. Thankfully though both of these issues were relatively short lived and managable.

Scotty - think it might be path resuts today? Positive hugs x


Jackie- hope your three hour round trip is not driving you crackers, I an not surprised you are tired i am exhausted and I only had to go down the road! Hows Lulu?


Fen hen/Robin  - my fingernails have all gone a milky white and I fear that they will start to fall off - I thought I had got away with this Se as last chemo was May 2nd! I also did the whole dark nail varnish thing.


Wtp - great that your team are being thorough, hope the biopsy goes smoothly tomorrow - will you have long to wait for the results? Its such a nerve wracking time isnt it, stay focused on the trip to Sweden. I realise its easy to say but hard for our minds to do this!

Egg, one more to go! yeah!!! Im still blue tooooo!

Esther/slowski - i am also still finding the nagging voice hard to silence. Some days are easier than others. I have had some counselling but I am not sure if it has really helped yet.


I have had a busy couple of weeks - Rads finished on Monday and I do feel tired. I am okay as long as i keep going but once i stop i just want to sleep, unfortunnately its never a restfull sleep. I really struggled with my first Iv zomera - the first 48hrs were similar to chemo, lots of pain/aches fluey, I even experienced some rigors. I have since had pins and needles in my hands consistently overnight, swelling in my hands that does ease off over the day. But all in all unpleasant I am sorry to report. Is anyone else getting this? I had wondered if i was developing lymphodema but its in both arms/hands so that wouldnt fit. Maybe its just delayed chemo se? I have raised with BC team who say if symtoms get worse then to call and they will see me.

I have been planning my return to work - not sure how i feel about this really. Back on the 3rd july with a couple of weeks leave. so first proper day 17th Jully Eeek!  i have been off sionce start of Dec. Will need to go wardrobe shopping as nothing fits - still havent heard back from the leisure centre about the fitness course offered via macmillan either despite having left 5 message! Must chase up!


Went to Wembly last weeked for a gig and had the experience of having my head frisked as part of the security checks! Luckily I was able to laugh about it but my 13 year was so embarassed, a real kevin and perry moment!

I also signed up for a clinical trial - called add asprin, anyone else been offered this? Anyone taking part in any other studies?

I realise i have now written a small essay, so if anyone has managed to get this far, apologies for the length, love and hugs! Look forward to hearing how everyone else is getting on.

Take care





Hi lighthouse
My onc mentioned Add Asipirin trial. And also the zometa. I had specifically asked about zometa and she said yes I could have it. Plus tamoxifen +/- zoladex depending on side effects. Zometa doesn’t sound very nice! The add asipirin is a trial so one arm of it will be a placebo. But as she said - there would be nothing to stop me taking aspirin myself if I decided to do that! As it appears the initial trials showed a benefit to taking the aspirin if you can tolerate it.
I am her2 positive, so I have to decide if it’s worth me having another 2 cycles of pertuzumab (perjeta) which I would have to self fund. I will continue to have herceptin, and apparently the trial which has just been published of perjeta showed only 1% improvement in outcome, so it won’t be licencsed for any more than 4 cycles of the NHS. Onc said I could have 2 more cycles (this is what trial looked at) but it would cost 7k! Which is a LOT of money. But then I keep thinking what if i don’t do it and it comes back - I would always wonder. Such a difficult decision! I think I will have to talk to them again about it - this time with the consultant.
It seems like there is always a hard decision to be made!

Brilliant response and response. Clear margins so no more surgery. Almost but not quite a complete pathological response. Very happy and emotional xx

Am typing this from my bed! I’m being so lazy today!!! I think I perhaps overdid it yesterday - i wandered around town for an hour, did the food shopping, made a casserole for tea…3 days post op! My armpit and upper arm feel numb - it’s really odd actually. I’m hoping my drain will come out today too - I’m fed up of carrying it around now!!
Egg, what are the drugs you mention and if you don’t mind me asking, why are you having them - the zometa and zoladex? I have only heard talk of tamoxifen for myself and am wondering if I should be enquiring about other treatments or alternatives. Im er+, her2-. The information given to me I’m beginning to think is very poor! I rarely see my bcn, not even during my hospital stay, surgery and discharge! I feel very much abandoned! My onc has discharged me and my surgeon is monsyllable man!
I can identify with your predicament re treatment and the whole what if angst if you don’t Egg. Throughout this whole journey, I feel like I have to do what is suggested by those who ‘know’, as what if I didn’t take their advice/recommendations and it came back. I really feel like I have no choice in my decision making if you know what I mean.
I am also suffering with anxiety regarding the cancer coming back. I’m even one step further as am not convinced it’s actually gone at all! I really believe that I will get cancer again, in a year, 2 years, 5 years I don’t know, but at the moment, I can’t see a disease free future for me! I really don’t want to have counselling as know myself that I would be trying to make the counsellor understand how it is and what I’m going through, when that isn’t actually the point of counselling and anyway, how can we make anyone understand who hasn’t been through this nightmare?
Are you planning a phased return to work lighthouse? I’ve been off work since April and hope to go back part time during rads in August - I hope it all goes to plan.
Hope your biopsy result turns out to be an oversensitive MRI wtp!

Whoop whoop Scotty. A great result. Pathological complete responses are quite rare I believe!

Scotty that is fantastic news!!! I’m so pleased for you! You can enjoy the weekend now and have a cocktail! (Not a red one!)

Blue - the Zometa is zoledronic acid. It’s a bisphosphonate and is meant to reduce the risk of recurrence especially in bones. I think it’s especially proven in post menopausal women but also in pre menopausal women. When I asked the registrar she initially said no, I couldn’t have it as I was pre menopausal (well before chemo I was!) but I then asked one of the consultants and another reg and they said I could have it. So I suppose I will discuss with them again when I see them after rads. It’s so tricky when you are told one thing by one dr and another by another dr as you just want to be able to plan!
I will be on tamoxifen, but I think because I am Her + there has been some research about whether tamoxifen and herceptin can sometimes work against each other. So there are some other drugs they can use - something called Exesmestane and then also zoladex which work by switching off oestrogen in different ways. So again I think I will find out more after rads. It seems they are giving me a break from drugs until then! Well, apart from the 3 weekly herceptins, which will be given as an injection rather than IV and which I will start the week after finishing chemo!!
It’s never ending. And like you Blue I have fear of it coming back so will throw anything at it! The 7k for additional drugs does make me balk though!

Yay Scotty, great news!

Thats just the bestest news scotty! Have a wonderful weekend!
Egg - hard call its a huge amount of money - have you got any critical illness cover u may have forgotten about? Not sure how best you work that one out. I am sure your heart will lead you the right decision for u.
Beedot - i think i will follow up as its was awful not what i expected.
Blue - i am her 2 neg er/pr positive and was pre menopausal prior to this rubbish and i had assumed it would be tamoxifen. My onco kept changing her mind about my hormone therapy but settled for monthly sc injections of zoladex to supress my ovaries, then i started exemestane to block oestrogen from fatty tissues as by then in the menopause and zometa as egg describes to reduce risk of reoccurrance in the bones. This combination has only been started as standard in my hospital the last 3 months or so. Based on some trial results published in jan this year. I tjink it was the soft study? I will confirm over weeked if i can find the paperwork. Its worth an ask. Xx

Egg - do u think you will do the study? I understand part off what they want to look at is the dose that might be effective. Just realised my question about critical illness cover may sound rude sorry! Its only because we had good news tjis week that our policy will pay out - i had reluctantly submitted a claim as i assumed that it would knocked back but our joy its been supported which takes some financial pressure off. We had joint life and critical ilness which i had forgotten i thought it was just life cover. Xx
Yep blue phased return xx

That’s fantastic news Scotty!! So pleased for you x

I’m taking part in the Add Aspirin trial too Lighthouse. So far so good, hopefully I’ll be ok after the 8 week trial to carry on. As well as possibly helping with new treatments I like the thought that the hospital will be keeping an extra eye on me.

That made me smile about your head frisking at Wembley - I’m going there next week with my daughter to see Adele, I’ll warn her that her mothers bald head might be on show!

Hope you all have a great weekend x

Lighthouse don’t worry did t think your question was rude at all! Have actually meaning to look into it for a while as it might be linked to our mortgage.
Not sure if I will do the add aspirin study. Don’t want the placebo arm!!
I think I will be like you with the zoladex and Exesmestane. Thought it would be tamoxifen +/- zoladex but now seems they are leaning to the other combo. But it’s looking like it will be after the rads. Onc seems to think no rush to start it!

Great news Scotty!

Re critical illness policies - please all check if you have any and don’t hesitate in putting in a claim. I’m a critical illness claims manager and the number of people who often say they’d forgotten they had the cover is quite high. If in doubt give your insurance company a call.

Unfortunately I have developed a wound infection. Very painful. Currently on antibiotics and having the district nurse manually draining it?

Oh no Scotty! I had visions of you partying this weekend after your good news, but it seems there is always something to throw a spanner in the works! Manual draining doesn’t sound very pleasant ?. Hopefully it settles quickly and you are not too uncomfortable.
Big hugs
Egg x

How long did it take to clear up
Beebot? Was it all managed without a hospital stay??!!

Thanks x

Fab news Scotty - so happy for you!! Well, apart from the infection - that sucks!
Quite a lot of ladies at the Younger Women course were also on the aspirin trial… is not heard of it before then.
My biopsy was horrendous to put it bluntly. Went in expecting one like the original with the ultrasound and that gun thing but no… it was the dreaded mammogram machine but the difference being “we’re going to compress you but we won’t release you”. Then the doc took about 14 tissue samples from two areas using some sort of vacuum needle thing. It took an hour!! I saw the tissue at the end and it made me feel so sick - little lumps like peas that has been pulled out. The doc and nurses were fab but I burst into tears as soon as I got out and saw my husband. I hope to get results this week. Although my tumour shrunk, there is a large area of calcification which in best case could be the “ghost” of the tumour - whatever that means - and worst case cancerous or precancerous cells ? I’m utterly confused as they also keep saying what a great response I had to chemo… yet the doc kept giving me “that” look - you know, where you feel doomed?
He said he also wants me to go for yet another MRI which makes me think maybe they don’t trust the last one as it was only a month ago and only had one small dose of paciltaxel since that scan… ?
This journey is forever taking us on rollercoasters, isn’t it!
We were in the process of buying our house when I got diagnosed. Literally had the critical illness policy ready to sign but then I found my lump so had to change it all. Would have been a pretty good silver lining! :relaxed:
Hope you all enjoyed your wknds xxx

WTp - did you have to have more biopsies afte the chemo? I thought you were having surgery at start of July - didn’t realise they had to do biopsies before this. Worried now!