Chemo or not to chemo?

Hi, I just read your post. I’m also 47 with three kids. I e bern offered optima trial which potentially could mean not having chemo, depending on if my tumour is tested etc. I could go straight to chemo. I’m terrified. I was reading about infection risk and other side effects and it sounds so scary. Have you found it not as bad as you anticipated? Sam xo

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Hi Sam
So sorry you’re going through this too.

I’m now halfway through my chemo, today will be 6/12 infusion (weekly Paclitaxol plus Herceptin every 3 weeks). I’m also cold capping.

If I’m honest, so far it’s been a breeze, absolutely not what I was expecting! I’ve had no nausea/vomiting, just a bit of heartburn, small nose bleeds and weird taste in my mouth.
If I didn’t work in a school I would have worked throughout my chemo.

I have a picc line in my arm which I got use to really quickly.

I’ve had no infections.:blush:
I’ve also lost no hair so far, I’m lucky my hair is really thick to begin with.

I know everyone is different and we all react differently but I’m so glad I opted for chemo, in the end it was a no brainier for me.

If any of my friends were in my position then I’d recommend them to have chemo.

Good luck with what ever you decide, the thought of chemo is scary, but in reality for me it’s been absolutely fine. I almost look forward to it as I get to chat to people and eat (snack trolly come by a lot!) :joy:

Lots of love to you xx


Hi, thank you for your reply :purple_heart:

Wow- what a nice read your post is. I have myself a complete wreck worrying about chemo but if I thought it would be like yours, I wouldn’t feel so scared!

My hair is naturally fairly thin so I fint know how helpful the gold cap would be or how hard it is to stand the pain?

I could go for trial and likely end up with chemo anyway. Maybe I shouldn’t be so scared of it. I have three kinds 16,14 and 10 so I do worry about controlling germs etc coming from schools. I also don’t want them to see me looking horrific- they are my drive for getting through this though.

I like the idea of being closely monitored for longer with the trial, I’m just worried that giving up control over what treatment I get is too much of a gamble.

Sam xo