chemo, tamoxifen, sleep, sex and all that jazz......

Hello ladies

I seem to recall someone on here talking about using Vitamin E oil internally to help with moisturising/lubrication etc. I don’t think whoever posted it mentioned how to get it up there, which is a bit of a logistical nightmare. I can’t face trawling through all the posts, so if you posted it and/or know how to do this, please can you let me/us know?

It comes in capsules so if you can insert the capsule, easy peasy, if not I’m a wee bit stumped. Any suggesetions (serious ones, ladies, no hanging upside down or use of complicated kit) will be gratefully received.

Hope you’re all hanging in there - not upside down, well, whatever floats your boat…better sign off now LOL


Hi Monicas
I read that thread about the vitamin e oil. I got some on Thursday and it wasn’t in capsules. To be honest I thought that was just how you bought it and split the capsule and rubbed it in externaly. I’d be very reluctant to put a capsule inside as they are supposed to disolve in the acid of the stomach and they might not disolve.
I don’t mean to be too graphic but OH offered to help with application of the oil and it was taken futher inside. He doesn’t seem to be having problems this morning and neither do I.
I got the oil from Holland and Barrett £11 . It says don’t use on split of broken skin.
Happy days

you made me laugh so much Chinook & Monica!!! You can just use the capsules…shove it up and wait…it will disolve!!!..or find more interesting ways :wink: You will have lovely skin!!!

For those trying to find ‘PUR’ I made a typo…its PJUR google it!!!


Thanks as always, Ladies. Since Chinook’s given us so much information, I must admit I did eventually insert a capsule without the help of my OH who obviously isn’t as helpful as hers or perhaps I didn’t trust him to get it in the right place (it’s been a while) lol. I’ll have a look in Holland and Barrett as well.

I did look up Scream Cream which was mentioned by someone earlier. Hmmm. I felt like screaming the last couple of times I tried sex but sadly not in a good way :wink:

Anyway, always glad to spread a smile around! Ya gotta larf.


Convinced Tam is the opposite of a soporific. Have been off it for a fortnight and haven’t slept as well in ages.

Tam is the opposite of what?

A soporific is something that sends you to sleep. I reckon Tam messes with my sleep because when I was on it, I was frequently awake three or four times a night, even with hot flushes controlled by Citalopram. I’ve been off it for a fortnight and even though the hot flushes have returned (how does THAT work?!) I have been sleeping better and better. Last night I didn’t wake up once and woke feeling almost refreshed. Pooped now, and will have an early night, but it was nice to wake up feeling almost human for a change.


I am bumping this to see if anybody has any comments to add !


Anything to add? Only that its gone from bad to worse for me. I’ve got Replens on repeat prescription, been using it for about 3/4 months and hasn’t made the damnest bit of difference. Still very sore. I’ve got a drawer full of everything that’s been suggested except for the vit E (nothing’s worked). So bought the vit E caps today, ever the optimist!

I really resent losing this part of my life, and although OH is lovely and considerate and caring, I just know that its not good.

I’m on letrozole and am wondering if that is particularly bad for this side effect. Would anastrozole be any different?

I am planning on making an appointment if the vit E doesn’t help, not sure whether it should be with gynea or oncologist??


Hi Sheil

I have been following this thread with interest as I too am suffering quite badly. Was told by my GP a couple of weeks ago that I have the worst case of atrophic vaginitis she has ever seen which probably explains why I’m in agony! I’m waiting for an appointment to come through to see the Gynaecologist and in the meantime the following are giving me some relief:

2 vit E caps + an out of date acidophilus cap inserted each night aided by a dollop of aloe vera gel, plus in the morning I fill one of the Replens (usless) applicators with aloe vera and whip that up there for good measure. It doesn’t make any of it go away but the aloe vera gel certainly stops the itching.

What a life!
