chemo, tamoxifen, sleep, sex and all that jazz......

Bumped thread for a new poster.

Not having chemo…yet… Haven’t started tamoxifen… yet…Not getting much sleep but have been having sex!!! Wooo hoooo!!Pain levels from final surgery subsided enough to be interested in a bit of jiggy jiggy with the OH, so we did…all that jazz!!


:))))))))) this so made me smile Wandy ;))))

Bit of smiling going on here too!!


I posted on another thread re. this earlier, however would appreciate any advice anyone can give me. I had a hysterectomy 9 yrs ago with ovaries removed and now following bc diagnosis Aug 2010 I am on Letrozole with will effectively stop all oestregen production in my body. My OH and I tried to have a ‘love session’ last night! It has taken me weeks to pluck up the courage, and the desire, and it was a disaster. So sore… Having read some of the other posts I am now really concerned about my sex life. I am 50 with my OH 46. I really don’t think he has any idea of this aspect of problem although he has been marvelously supportive and put no presssure on me at all. However, I have been able to read his eyes and know he yearns for that part of our relationship to return to ‘normal’. I fear for what this will be…I have had no advice, support or guidance from any health care professional about how I can resume my sex life. Just something else to add to the mix of ‘lost femininity’. Sorry for sounding so down. Some of the other postings have really made me laugh!

Look forward to any advice going! J.

Hi J I’m bumping this up for you, cheers Nicola

Thank you to Rhian for her post on 31st March, have just ordered the book you recommended.
Hi Jaynek, I am on Tamoxifen and having the same problems, I really feel I’m losing my femininty and am desperate to claw some of it back. Refer to Rhian’s post on 31st March, as I say I’ve ordered the book, will post again when I receive it.


Tina, Jaynek and all ,
I found the book so informative and it made me realise that how i am feeling about intimacy and sex is normal after BC and the various treatments. Its an american publication so bear that in mind. I took a list of the topical hormone creams down to my GP who is very supportive and he went through his ‘medication book’ to see what was available in this country ( I am 3xneg so can use hormone creams). The other enlightening bit of knowledge was about the blood supply to the whole lady garden area and it is because of the lack of the blood supply that the skin becomes thinner and in turn we get so sore. The bit about using other forms of stimulation to encourage orgasm and get the blood supply flowing I am sure is another vital point. Use it or loose it seems to be the message I got from what i read. I know many don’t like the thought of ‘gadgits or toys’ but the are many discreet little items out there, its not all great gyrating stonkin rubber truncheons. There is one called LELO Elise from Exclusively Eve ( on line) and Anne Summers do a whole range of smaller vibrating little gismos that have the intention when used to make you orgasm …and it’s the orgasm that gets the blood flowing …oh dear think i need to stop now all this explicit talk at 2 in the afternoon. off to get the washing in

r xx

Rhian, you are fabulous, could you perhaps become a sexual health adviser to all our teenagers???Nicola

Hear hear Moorcow!! I’m with you.
Does the government know about you Rhian??!


Hi folks

Thanks so much for your responses and encouragment. I will track back to Rhian’s posting of 31 March and check out this book. It is so much better when I feel ‘less alone’.

Thanks again, J.

‘‘100 questions and answers about breast cancer, sensuality, sexuality and Intimacy ISBN 978-0-7637-7909-2’’.


Also try Googling Kegel exercises - designed to improve blood flow to the area and no gadgets required. Usually recommended by sex therapists for people having sexual problems, both men and women.
Sarah x

just popping over to google :wink: xxx

Me too:) !!!

Rhian, you’re fab! From orgasm to washing in half a sentence!

Well? Having popped over to Google Kegel exercises hasn’t anyone got any results to report? Only joking - as you would imagine, it takes at least a few weeks of regularly doing the exercises before it makes a difference. I found that it was a good idea to make it part of my regular routine - for example doing some whilst driving the boring straight 3 mile stretch on the way to work. Or following on from Rhian’s comments, perhaps practice a few whilst putting the washing out!
Sarah x

Thought this thread had disappeared like sex…
Interesting time today when at clinic for research study I’m part of for Capecitamine and Vinflunine. Vinflunine is a new drug developed by a French company and they are funding the trial. Several questions on the questionnaire about my current attitude to sex and recent participation as well as questions on my body image etc. Am wondering if these questions are part of any research studies that are British in origin or are the French actually more aware of the importance of sex and these psychological issues?

Just bumping this up!

We keep popping up on the same threads. Think you may be a long-lost sister. I liked Frances’ comment - the thread disappearing - just like sex. Oh sheesh, I’m just wondering when these aromatase inhibitors are going to turn me into a man! I was having quite a nice wee thing going, new husband three years ago, then this. I even went on HRT thinking I’d prolong it, but there was my downfall, or part of it anyway.
Would be interested to know if anyone’s got any ‘topical’ solutions.