chemo then herceptin do you get a break.

hi i have just had 4 fec and stopping cant stand being ill. i am going to have herceptin andi was wondering do you get a break inbetween the two.
also can i have a break
what is the norm.
i could do with a little holiday.
i am knew to this getting through chemo was gt with help and advice from you lot on here so now asking for it again re herceptin.
take care all have a good evenng very dark and damp here in bedfordshire.

Hi Julie

I had three FEC (lovely isn’t it?) followed by three taxotere. But the herceptin started along with the taxotere. But honestly herceptin is not chemo and does not have the vile side effects. So even if you do go straight on you have only your veins to worry about. My right hand is still managing after all the grief it has been given, and will get more till the end of August. You will get there! Honestly.

Dark and damp here in East London too. But birds are singing.

Love and strength


Hi Julie

I finished my chemo on 14th May. I asked when the herceptin would start and was told that it was up to me - as long as it started wihin 3 months of the chemo finishing. My BCN said that some people like the break - some like to just carry on and get it over with. I want to get straight on with it - had my muga scan yesterday - unfortunately my veins are saying otherwise - but will hopefully start soon!


Hi Julie,

I finished chemo 14 September, had four weeks of rads mid Oct - mid Nov, then started herceptin end Nov. I know what you mean about needing a break!