
hi all
i amvery new to this, had my portacath fitted 2 weeks ago and my first chemo yesterday,not too sure how i am supposed to feel.
greatly relieved the first treatment is over and that it was not as bad as i thought, but do not seem to be suffereing with the terrible side affects that people have am i normal ???

Hi Janicer and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the valuable support you will soon have here please feel free to call our helpliners if you feel it would help to talk any concerns or fears over, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Sat on 0808 800 6000

I am posting a link to the BCC ‘Treatments’ page where you will find further support ideas such as the ‘live chat’ and ‘One to one support’ along with information and publications which I hope you find helpful:\_source=Homepage&%3Butm\_medium=help\_you&%3Butm\_campaign=treatment

You may also find it useful to post in one the threads in ‘undergoing treatment for breast cancer-chemo’ here:

Take care


Hi Janicer,
sorry to hear you have had to have chemo , Not everyone suffers with dreadful side effects but unfortunately the effects do not always appear from day one some people have a couple of good days and then get some nausea etc , you may be one of the lucky ones that dosent get much in the way of side effects so fingers x , I was on FEC-T and the day after had a bright red face but that was about it then day 2 felt nausea and then for the next few days pretty rubbish , but after that ok , I hope you continue to feel well but if you dont, do not suffer in silence speak to your team

Janice x

Hi Janicer,
I really didn’t have very bad side effects. But with the standard FEC chemo the feeling of nausea started on the second or third day and lasted for three days or so. I wasn’t actually sick, just felt slightly sick. Before meals I had to take some drops, which I think kept the food down. After the three or so days, I suddenly knew I no longer needed them. The blood values went down a bit after that, but the main problem was this early sick feeling, and for the 2 weeks remaining I didn’t have it, although I didn’t have appetite for everything.
People are terrified of chemo and have no idea what to expect. It wasn’t exactly fun. Some people do get much worse side effects, but they can ask for more help.
Good luck with it.