citalopram and tamoxifen - anyone ?

Oh, Choccie, this makes me so sad reading this having met you (and 2 of your gorgeous daughters) in person. I know a tiny fraction of some of the cr*p that you’ve been through (more than many have to deal with in a lifetime) but you seemed such a strong and upbeat person with a fantastically naughty sense of humour and infectious laugh - and it’s horrible to hear you so terribly depressed and down. Maybe by stopping Tamoxifen for a week or so will give you the answer as to whether it’s a chemical reaction or a natural reaction to all of the bullsh*t you’ve been going through.

I really hope you are both able to get the medication sorted so you are eble to enjoy life again. What was the point of all that chemo to be miserable!!


Thank you all. Increasing dosage to 40mg has helped a bit so am beginning to feel as if I might be human again soon. not quite there yet but at least I think I’m going in the right direction. Sandytoes you wouldn’t believe it if they wrote what’s gone on as a script for eastenders …