Cold Cap - shall I or shan't I?

hi buzy im going to unit next thursday and chemo should start mon 23rd so in similar postion.been reading the threads on here about the cold cap and at first i thought i wanted to try it as i know im going to be devastaed when it starts to come out,but i hate the cold and from what iv read there is no guarantee,iv just ordered a nice wig and im already getting scared of the chemo so why put myself through anymore pain,i have always had a low pain threshold (i was told by doc when i had my children years ago)so if it causes so much pain and you still lose it why bother? i have a chat next week and see what they say but i think i know what im gona say! all the best for next week we are all in this together,this is a great site for pooring your feeling out to . love Lynne

Hi All - I am due to start x6 FEC tomorrow, Monday. I had already decided to try the CC but after reading this thread, I did not realise that the chemo may not reach everywhere so I am a little worried now as my BCN nor my ONC have ever mentioned this to me at all.

I know different professionals seem to have different views but I am now in a dilemma as to what to do. May seek some further info in the morning when I arrive.

Also, had my lovely shoulder length shiny dark bob cut shortish two weeks ago (prior to my hol) and really regret it. Spent the whole holiday fussy over trying to style the damn thing. (don’t think it was a very good cut). Anyway my sister in law (hairdresser) says she will sort it out a bit for me in the next day or two. I trust this will be OK have it chopped about a little shortly after my first chemo???

OMG really dreading tomorrow now, as just returned from a lovely relaxing holiday, tanned and feeling good…only to face the side effects that I am sure will come.

To all you ladies…best wishes with whatever stage you are at!!! XXX

Good luck to everyone starting your Chemo. It is hard but doable and not as scary once you are up and running as the thought of it is. One of my best friends is a breast cancer oncologist and she was happy for me to use the cc, no concerns at all. Neither did my own oncologist. But for me, once the idea of it Potentially hiding cancer cells from the Chemo was in my head, there was no shifting the idea! I looked at my hair loss as collateral damage of my fight back against the evil little Fu@@@rs rather than being caused by it. I have just had my last of the six chemos now so know the journey you are starting on. Big hugs to you all, you will get there. Xxx

Have decided to go without it.

In for a penny in for a pound (I should add that to the ‘quotes’ thread!)

Still 36 hours to change my mind yet,… No, I think that’s it, I’ve decided.

Thank you all so much for your comments, they have really helped, all sides of the argument.

Hi I used the cold cap for 6 chemos and kept enough not to wear my wig at all. My onc encouraged me to try the cold cap as I really wanted to keep my hair. Good luck with your decisions. x

yes do try the cold cap i used it and managed to keep a good covering of hair

It is now coming back really curly, and have recently had it cut into a short bob. but longing to have the long hair back agin, but it was worth those hours wearing it

Ann x

I tried cold capping for two chemo sessions, but it soon became obvious that it wasn’t working for me. That may be in part because I don’t think the cap fitted me properly or got through my very thick head of hair, and also I wasn’t told about not washing my hair for a couple of days after the treatment, but I’ll never know if that made a difference or not. What I do know is that just the thought of cold-capping made me feel sick (and I feel nauseous even now, writing this, some 8 months later). I have heard of people developing an ice phobia as a consequence, though I guess that’s unusual.

Losing your hair is not nice. I like to think I’m not so shallow as to be worried about the vanities of hair, but going bald when you’re already feeling low from chemo doesn’t help. BUT, my hair started to regrow once I moved from FEC to Taxotere and now I have a wonderful head of curly hair that has drawn lots of compliments.

Everyone must do what they feel is best for them, but if I had to go through the treatment again I wouldn’t cold-cap.

Hope all goes well with your treatment.


Just spotted this, so wanted to add that I’ve had 3xFEC and now 1xTax. Have a big bald patch (lovely!), but still lots of hair front and back, so can get away with wearing a scarf or a Buff. I asked my Onc about the chemo not reaching the follicles and she laughed saying did I really think she’d recommend Cold Cap if there was even the slightest worry. Made sense to me, but who knows.