My wife spotted a painful lump in her left breast, was reffered to the breast clinic, post examination by the consultant she was asked to do a Mammo, Ultrasound, and then biopsy on this 2.3cm lump, this is as a result clacification spotted in the mamo, we went back last night, the biopsy results had come back as negative, however, the consultant said he is not happy, as the mamo and Ultrasound point to a suspect case, so we had another biopsy done last night, what he was saying is that the lump could have been hard and the needle may have not penetrated the lump the first time round, not sure how this could be possible as they had taken five samples first time round? They also scanned the arm pit last night and it was all clear.
So we are are currently on tender hooks, not sure if it is cancer or not and back in Tuesday morning for the results
HI there - have not had this experience, so can’t really help, but hoping that someone else can come along and be more helpful. However, just wanted to say how very sorry I am to read that you and your wife are going through these agonies of wondering if she has breast cancer. The waiting is awful. Keeping everything crossed for you that the results will come back negative from this most recent biopsy. It all sounds a bit strange. Thinking of you and please let us know what happens on Tuesday. This is a fantastically supportive site, and whatever happens we will be here to hopefully be able to support and answer questions for you both. Even if the worst result does come, your wife will get through this (as will you). Somehow once treatment is underway it is almost better than this awful waiting. Sarah
Try not to worry many lumps are found to be benign so the readings could well be correct, they are being very good double checking to make certain.
I had calcification in my breast it might be worth asking if they think it might be DCIS or LCIS, this is a pre cancer they treat it the same as cancer but it hasn’t turned cancerous yet. So if they tested for cancer it might not have shown in the biopsy.
I know its terrible to wait for a definite diagnosis, but I am impressed that your surgeon is being so careful. He obviously feels that what he has seen on the mammo and ultrasound don’t correspond quite to what the biopsy is showing. It doesnt mean that it will be terrible news but at least he is doing a thorough job. It would be far worse to say that all is well and find out he was wrong. As others have said, if there are no nodes, that is an excellent sign.
Hi there, I can confirm that this does happen, I had 2 core biopsies which came back negative, but the surgeons were not happy and did a thirt one which was computer guided. It came back positive as they suspected all along.My lymph nodes were clear, but my lump was 4cm in size. I am glad they persevered with the tests, as there is no doubt saved my life. I am now 2 years post diagnosis and living life to the full. I thank god for their skill, and altho it was a tremendous strain at the time, I have gotten over it now
Well saw the doctor this morning its BC, possibly grade 2/3. He believes that the lump needs to come out with some clearance, not the breast removed. He recommended Blood Tests, CT Scan and Bone Scan which we did today and awaiting the results for the CT and Bone this evening. The MRI will follow and subject to this confirming no spread. He will remove lump and Chemo will start post opp. The type is unclear he is awaiting the result on the type.
This is obviously not the news you wanted, and you both have my sympathy. At least you seem to have a competent consultant who will persist until he has a complete and accurate picture. This will ensure that your wife gets the optimum treatment.
Keep us posted on your news, and don’t hesitate to raise queries on the forum. You will have a lot of information overload in the next few weeks
Thank you just come off the phone with the doctor, the CT scan and bone scan are both clear and there is no sign of any spread. I asked him about the staging if it was 2 or 3, he said it may even be stage 0 and he will only be able to tell once he does the op and takes samples and sends them off to the lab, I guess all of this is good news and points to early stages and no spread. Maybe I am being to positive?
You are right that this is all good news. They can only tell for sure after the operation, but it sounds like it has been diagnosed very early, which means as I am sure you know that your wife’s survival chances will be high.
Treatment is very effective these days, and the women on this forum will be able to help with tips and advice on how to cope with the operation and recovery.