Constantly Worried

Two weeks ago i found a lump on my breast, i regulary check my breats so i knew the lump wasnt normal for me. Since i found the lump i found myself checking them a few times each day, the more i do it the more worried im becoming. I then noticed that i had discharge coming from my nipple, so I made an appoitment to go and see my gp. He didnt seem too concerned and he sent me to have a blood test. I had a blood test a few days later, and i had a long worrying wait over the weekend. Yetserday i went back to see my gp and he said my blood test was normal. He asked if the discharge had stopped and i said yes as i thought it had and he sent me away. Today i have noticed more discharge when checking my breats again, and i dont know what to do. The lump hasnt changed since i first noticed it but my breasts feel more tender. Ive spoken to a friend about it and she told me to think positive and try not to worry but i cannot stop worrying and thinking about it. I know i shouldnt of but i googled my symptoms and this has just made me feel ten times worse and allsorts of thoughts are going through my mind.
Should i go back to my gp tomorrow or is there anybody else that i can see that will take me more seriuosly and help put my mind at ease?

Hi raindrops, would def go back to GP, you know your body and you feel something is not right, better for your own sanity to be checked again may not be anything to do with bc but you are worried, go back asap and let us know how you get on, lots of hugs to you xx

Hi Raindrops,
Definately go back to GP and insist on being referred to breast clinic. I went to GP and she wasnt sure if she should refer me or not but thankfully she did. As you say, you know your breasts better than anyone and if you think all is not as it should be then insist on a referral. Good luck and thinking of you. Let us know how you get on.
Big hugs
Lee X

Hi Raindrops,

If you’re still worried definitely go back to your GP and ask to be referred to the breast clinic. If it is nothing you’ll be more able to believe that if you feel you’ve been properly checked out, and if it’s not then it’s better to know and get treated.

Good luck


Hi raindrops , I echo everyone else in that you need to go back to your gp & insist on a referall to the breast clinic , my friend had a thickening & went to her gp 3x as she couldn’t settle until she got it checked out , When I first found my lump I kept feeling it thinking " is it really there am I imagining it " knowing full well it was new & different , I made the area sore as I couldn’t leave it alone, I went to gp next day thinking I was causing a fuss & turns out it was the best thing I done , yes i didn’t get the news I wanted but it could’ve been so much worse if I hadn’t caught it so soon . Hopefully you will get good news & it is nothing to worry about but you need that peace of mind & get any changes checked out x

Hi Raindrops and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the support you already have here our helpliners are on hand 9-5 to offer you further support and a chance for you to talk through your concerns. (Helpline - 0808 800 6000 weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2)

You may find the following BCC ‘Worried about breast cancer’ webpage useful too, you will find lots more information and support ideas:\_source=promo\_content&%3Butm\_medium=help\_you&%3Butm\_campaign=worried

Take care


Thank you all for your advice, your comments are reasuring. I cannot get an appoitment with my gp until next monday, i know that i will be a nervous wreck by then. Im finding it more and more difficult to concentate on day to day tasks, and getting through a shift at work is becoming more of a challenge.
Does anybody know if i could been seen at another general practice or hospital?

You will be feeling awful - it is a difficult time for you. BUT, be assured that a few days won’t make a difference to the outcome and it is better to stick with your doctor. If you start to try another one, this risks someone dropping a ball between them if you need treatment. You could go to a private doctor, but that would just get you a referral a few days earlier. A GP (private of state) can’t say whether you have or haven’t got cancer - you will be referred for more tests. Luckily, the NHS has a strict 2 week referral, so you will be seen soon. Once you are in the system it usually works like clockwork (we’ve all got stories of where it hasn’t but on the whole there is a good Cancer Plan that works well), but I would really advise against going down a ‘different doctor’ route.
It is hard, but just be patient and wait for Monday. Remember to be clear with your doctor that you would like a referral - even if he tries to steer you away from it again.

Hi Raindrops
I would echo whats already been said and add that you might like to take someone with you who will help you to be more ‘forceful’ if this is not in your nature.
Lozza xx

Hi Raindrops,

Ditto from me, too. I can’t add to what the others have said, but can just emphasise that you must see your GP and insist on a referral to the breast clinic. Good luck xxxx

Hi Raindrops
Sorry you didn’t get a more thorough appointment with your GP. I am at the same stage as you but my GP was very thorough and got me an appointment at the breast clinic for next week.
Maybe you should tell your GPs surgery this for a breast appointment and they may fit you in quicker than next Monday . Tell them you are scared and its making you worry.
I hope you get some answers soon
Take care