I just thought I’d share something with you. For those of you who suffer from constipation during treatment, this may help you.
I tried all kinds of things to help me as I’ve been in so much discomfort and pain due to constipation and also at times it’s been quite scarey. I decided to try pure bran. I have it with some oats and a bit of normal cereal such as bran flakes and around 2 heaped tsps of bran and it really works. I’m now eating it every morning and the results have been amazing. It also feels so much more natural than any of the prescription drugs I was given to help solve the problem.
I hope this helps, particularly for those of you going through chemotherapy where it is a well known side effect with some types of chemotherapy.
Hi Ruby - not the most elegant of topics but very relevant. I found that prunes do the trick, I start eating them the day of my chemo and continue for alout 4 days- just a couple after each meal…suppose not everyones cup of tea but I quite like them and don’t like taking prescribed medicines if I can sort it out naturally. I don’t mind Bran either but normally chop bananas in with it which helps to keep the potassium levels up too. No problems so far!!!
The main diet change I’ve made since starting chemo is to swap my normal breakfast of toast, cheese, ham & tomato for a fruit smoothie - because I don’t like fruit and seldom eat it. So a mandarin, half a banana, some chunks of pineapple, frozen berries, live yoghurt plus big spoons of wheat germ, oat bran and linseeds. I’ve had no trouble at all until I missed it two days running and, what a difference! Most unpleasant and difficult. I won’t be missing it again.
ha ha, it’s not the most elegant of topics but it’s certainly effected me tremendously. It’s been going on for so long now (never suffered it before chemotherapy) that I was on the verge of going to the doctor. Just thought I’d give the bran a try and hey presto. I know this topic is discussed on other threads but not on it’s own so I just thought I’d share my solution with others in case it helps them too. M-L sounds like your idea is very similar to mine. I also have some linseeds so I think I’ll use them too.
A couple of heaped teaspoons of ground flax seeds ( linseeds are the same thing) in a yoghurt. Tastes really nice kind of nutty and really does the trick. I think that Flax seed oil has some kind of anti cancer benefit also.
Lots of love