Countdown ..

Well, I’ve now got 16 days until my DIEPs ( both sides). Fingers crossed it won’t be cancelled. It’s been a long haul to get to this point - almost 3 years. I’m getting my bags packed and have taken advice from the forums.
Finding myself restless and irritable. It also doesn’t feel real. It’s also scary as once I’ve recovered I’ll be going back to work and it’s been so long since I last worked ( again, almost 3 years). I’m excited about getting back to work and seeing other human beings on a daily basis but scared too.
There’s no real point to this post, only that I’m feeling …well…discombobulated. I like that word and it seems to cover all manner of feelings. I’m not sure what it will be like after surgery, I’m not expecting a great deal as I have so much scarring because of past complications…

Ooo. Hugs lovely! 


Thank you!