D - day. Starting chemo in 2 weeks time!

Hi all,

Am 6 weeks post mx with LD flap recon. Everything was going well and I was recovering from the surgery…then… The news that within the DCIS they found invasive cells. B******s!!!
Met the oncologist today and am starting my chemo in two time. 6 cycles of FEC for 4 and a half months. Gutted does not describe how I feel :frowning:
I also can’t get onto the fab site properly to join threads or reply to anything.
Any who, I hope all you other brave ladies are ok

Hi Hannah
It all sucks doesn’t it. I’ve had 2 surgerys (WLE then re-excision, and its still not quite gone). Met my oncologist yesterday and starting chemo on Wed next week. Terrifying thought isn’t it, but remember it will blast that cancer good and proper and its worth going through it all now and getting rid of it for good.
I’m doing 6 cycles of FEC-T, so like you roll on Nov and the end of the chemo…
Hang in there x

Hi Hannah

I am the other way round from you. Had 3 x FEC and 3 x tax (last one was on Monday). I am hopefully having mx and ld flap recon next Thursday. Would be interested to hear about our surgery and recovery.

I too didn’t think I would have to have chemo but traces were found in one lymph node so that changed things. I can honestly say its not been too bad. Make sure you get all the drugs you can and take them when you are suppowed to. I wasnt sick at all, felt slightly nauseous first day and took it easy 1st week but then definitely started to feel better. I had neulasta injection the day after chemo - would definitely recommend that if you can get it in your area.

Jane x

Hi Hanna andVj,
So sorry to hear you are going through a horrible journey at the moment, On the June thread starting chemo there is about 20 loverly laddies on the same road as you two. some have started chemo after surygery some having chemo and then surgery,Also some waiting to start chemo in the next few weeks. We would love to join us. I had my first session of chemo yesterday, and eccept for feeling tired im fine. As we are the June Laddies and because of the Jubllie we are now in the group we call our selves Diamond chicks.
There is lost of help and advice if one lady carn’t answer you there will be another that can. We all hold hands together to get us to Through disese together.
We all look forward to hearing from you.
Are thread is starting chemo in june.

Hello again sorry you are having trouble getting on the June thread, I had some problems in the begging I private messaged Mike BCC on this site and he got me on that day.
Hanna if you have low platlets will they not just give you them when you are haveing your treatment? If you are looking for hats and scarves web site annbandand really good websit ordered two sleep hats scarf and to bandans on Monday arrived today.
Hope you got all the shopping you wanted to today.
Take care Carolann.

hi hannah i had trouble getting on the threads 4 weeks i can now post keep trying hun and i have my chemo 29th am so scared as well im havig fec and tax 3 of each and i ordered some hats from annabanda :slight_smile: if u need a chat u can inbox me xx

hi hannah i had trouble getting on the threads 4 weeks i can now post keep trying hun and i have my chemo 29th am so scared as well im havig fec and tax 3 of each and i ordered some hats from annabanda :slight_smile: if u need a chat u can inbox me xx

At last I am able to post! Thanks to Mike.
Have been told to change my username so will be appearing as something else soon… Hope you lovelies are feeling ok?

yay hanna u can join the june 2012 thread xx

yay hanna u can join the june 2012 thread xx

Right so pre assment appt made for next week, haircut booked for Monday, wig hunting this weekend, scarf sourcing this evening. Systems are go go go in this house hold!

I hope your diamonds are feeling ok this June evening.