I’m still posting on here too as I feel I want to be of help to my lovely ladies who are about to start or may need chemo with my experiences. Hope the ladies not having Chemo don’t mind!
Day 2 of chemo I woke up not feeling any different from usual until I got up and felt a little dazed but manageable!
I took my 2 anti sickness pils from hospital and the Amend which was prescribed as an extra after some cereal and a banana (helps me do number 2)
I then took my GCSF injections to help my immune system and control white blood cells. It was easy peasy. I’ve got a flabby belly so I just squeezed it and in went the needle which is very small and once injected the needle springs back into the syringe so don’t worry about the needle getting lost.
I then used my new digital thermometer 36.2. All good! It’s a Tommy Tippee one from Tescos and does a long beep if over! Sometimes they are on offer there.
My mouth didn’t taste at metally today but yesterday the ginger drops, pear drops and pineapple chunks were great as they also keep your mouth moist as can get dry! Make sure you have some in your handbag and a bottle of water! You get so thirsty from the drugs.
Today my cousin came to cook and I enjoyed the food which shows that my taste buds haven’t gone yet. Maybe takes time! And I had a big long jam doughnut with a decaff tea so not to keep me awake!
I’ve felt peckish all day from the drugs. Found that mash potato and gravy and rice pudding(not together) are filling enough and easy to do! Ginger biscuits have been good too but not filling enough!
I’m staying off deep fried foods and crisps as they can give me ulcers and a sore throat so we dont want to invite the sore mouth side effect!
A spoon of Manuka honey every morning should help too but it’s bloody expensive? £20 for a jar!
Be sure to start mouthwashes before chemo as a prevention, not when the problem is there but if you do get a sore mouth I heard sucking on iced pineapple chunks can help sooth.so go to Morrison’s and get the 2 for £3 ready to eat ones and stick in the freezer. Flossing teeth will also help keep gum infection away. I’ve got a hygenist app next Monday but need to see how my mouth is first.
I’m just going through my life insurance policy, don’t forget to if you have one. Some may or not apply but make sure you check.
If you have private medical but are using NHS you can get cash benefit! I feel that for BC we need a good team and NHS have been brilliant. They cannot be slow with the C’s!
Anyway mum happy tonight as she’s stayed in with me for 4 days and now my cousin has taken her to the casino.
I’m spraying my Avon Lavender Sleepy on my pillows hopefully to get another good night’s sleep before I do my number 2 haircut tomorrow. I will need a glass of Prosecco and a box of tissues as my hair as always been my priority. I’ve done it in 3 stages so it may not be as upsetting for me! Hairdresser is sticking a few more highlights in it tomo morning and cutting it whilst it’s on! We are doing it after she closes so no one else around. I’ve told my sponsors that it’s not going to be for show and they completely understand. I’m doing for Macmillan who have been amazing with me!
Our one ladies next year can be for another BC charity!
Anyway, Im still waiting for side effects and there will be but at least I know what to expect for next chemo treatment! Theres a long journey ahead of me but we can do it with the support of friends and family and most of all our BCC gang as we understand what we are going through!
Hope all my lovely ladies have a good sleep tonight. We all worry, our mind wanders, we are anxious about the unknown but what I found is that all these can be coped better with a better nights sleep!
Thinking about you on your chemo start tomorrow. Remember to eat something before you go as feeling hungry and anxious doesn’t help! The chemo nurses are great and monitor you the whole time. If your hand gets a bit stiff with cannula in you can squeeze your wrists in and out which will help veins too. I was so tense at first, my whole body was stiff. Didn’t need to be! If you feel a slight anything just tell them. They are so patient and will stop and check. Mine was massaging my hand all the way! It’s amazing how little touches like that can make you more relaxed.xxx