Hi Sissy,
I think cravings are really normal and are your bodies way of you telling you what it needs, you should go with them, if they aren’t too extreme! ? This is very similar to the various things you might crave in pregnancy, I had one for oranges in my first one and broccoli in my last, along with going right off a few things including coffee! At the moment, malted milk biscuits are going down really well!
Tina, patience can be a bit short lately for me too, I don’t watch soaps and it sounds like Emerdale have done a pants job of illustrating what the whole cancer diagnosis, waiting and treatment is really like! I heard the news of Alan Rickman’s death while I was having chemo yesterday! I don’t know what kind of cancer he and David Bowie had, but I wonder, you know with the blokes…did they check themselves, did they report symptoms soon enough? We all know the potential risk we are at but remember that they are pretty good at treating out type of cancer…with the surgery, chemo and radiotherapy we and our medical professionals are giving all we’ve got! Good luck with the wig fitting! If you’re not convinced, try Amazon for cheap wigs so it doesn’t matter if you don’t wear of need them in the end. Anna Bandana have a huge range of scarves etc and are very reasonable and fast delivery too. I don’t like my wig at all but will try again once all my hair has gone.
Marina, sometimes you just need to step back from everything and watch a favourite DVD or something you haven’t got round to watching with a cup of what you fancy and so nibbles you crave and forget everything else for a while! Try the Headspace app, too, for a sort of meditation, you get ten free I think.
Vicky, how are you today, did you go in in the end? Don’t overdo it and speak up if you don’t feel well!
Fredflowerpot (do you have a shorter name? ?) I hope you’re ok today, FEC 2 on top of being poorly is tough, lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids, can’t extol the virtues of drinking plenty of water enough, try about 1½ - 2 litres a day even if it does leave you trotting off to wee rather a lot!
Gillian, I hope you arm is ok, as if we have to got enough to deal with, without that happening! Have you phoned the helpline and reported it? I had FEC 2 yesterday, different vein from the first time no so far, all is ok! All I know about T is there seems to be less sickness but more aches and pains. So I suppose the bad/ok/better week rhythm will continue!
Love and hugs to everyone,
Amanda x