December 2015 chemo

Yeah Monday to Friday for 3 weeks starting this afternoon. I see now. My hospital is an hour away in good traffic from home but 30 minute’s away (again in good traffic, not including finding a parking space) from work so going after work each day. Mine finish just in time for half term so that will be my time off which has worked out quite well although nobody has even suggested to me it might be a good idea to be off at any point for rads. It’s strange how different the advice is in different areas. I will be nearly done when you start. I finish 25th May.


Omg do they think we all earn a consultants wage and have a huge nest egg! Chance would be a fine thing!
Well at least you are there a bit. There is still one or two cases of chickenpox in yr1 but I refuse to be off any more so not said anything to the hospital. I am in yr2 anyway and ours our fine. Also immune system is back up after chemo. I checked with onc when it would be. I will be in hook or by crook. Pain killer it up and carry on. That’s my new moto!

Rads went ok today. 40 minutes delay getting into my appointment. Then I was in there 49 minutes. Got drawn on. They realised it was wrong, wiped it off did it again, then x-ray followed straight with radio.
When they came in and said I could put my arms down I was relieved. My right hand had bad pins and needles thanks to the thing your hand/wrist sits in digging in on my arm. I hadn’t even realised until they went out the room as it didn’t feel uncomfortable at first. They are going to move it a bit for tomorrow’s.

Just hope I don’t get sore. They recommend moisturising cream like e45 or one with aloe vera on would be better. Didn’t give me a prescription for any though like some hospitals do. I don’t have time to go shopping around for some what with work and the appointments! Going to call GP tomorrow see if he can prescribe some. Easier to get other half to go get some as he can’t get i wrong if on prescription for me. He wouldn’t know what to get otherwise and he hasn’t time as he is doing my share of the jobs at home while I am at the appointment. Shops that sell that kind of stuff just aren’t open 24hrs around here!

My friend at work has some aloe one. Might ask if I can pinch a tube until I can buy some to replace it.

Big hugs xx

Oh ok. Don’t remember a flimsy plastic thing myself. And never saw the consultant!

On chemo I was told vitamins and supplements were a no go. Are they still a no go now on rads? If not which ones would it be a good idea to take? My best friend bought me some chlorella and vitamin C. She is trying to help look after me but I don’t know if I can take them yet. Any ideas?

Hi… I asked my oncologist about supplements when I finished chemo. He said I could start taking and told me to wait month. I has last o e 1st April atarted taking hair skin nail supplement and cod liver on 2nd may. Not been told not to take on rads though? I’ve just received booklets about rads treatment so I’ll have read and let you know if anything in there?

Feeling pretty down tonight. Have hurt my ankle, went over on it today! Swollen bruised and painful! On own and though tired can’t sleep! Just had bit of meltdown… Not had for few weeks!? have cried and sobbed … Still am… Just me?? XX

Not just you. I haven’t had a melt down lately but almost at my 2nd rads appointment friday. I didn’t sleep well Thursday night as the radio treatment and machine just kept haunting my dreams. Kept waking up. I am sure one isn’t far off.
I hope you haven’t done anything too bad to your ankle. Remember RICE, rest, ice, compress, elevate. Xx

Has anyone else who had a picc line had an aching in their upper arm around the area where it was or noticed that there is like a small ballbaring size lumpy bit at the site the tube went in? I am wondering if they are anything to be concerned over this long after its removal? It was removed 6th April.
Rads 5 today. Feeling slightly itchy at top of breast on inside. Hoping it doesn’t get too bad.
Hugs xxx

hi all fredflowerpot here. ihave broke my laptop .well over used that is burnt out. i cant rember any off my passwords so have had to set up new account … hows everyones rads going and how are you all in genral.

today was my 5th out of 15. so far so good.

Hi. Just realised we are on the same days for rads! Finish 25th May then. Roll on 25th! Xx

Hi Fredflowerpot, what a nuisance with your laptop! Glad to see you are on rads now, how are you finding them? A few of the December chemo ladies are also on the May Rads thread, so you could check in there, too.


Vicky, I have a small lump a bit like you describe where my picc line was, it just seems a bit like a scab u dear the skin really. No aches or pains though. The skin was very dry where the dressings were always on for a couple of weeks but with lots of moisturiser has recovered now.


Where are you Nadz, haven’t heard from you in quite a while hope you’re ok?


Amanda x

Hi all! Have finally just finished chemo! At long last! I spoke with my oncologist about the tattoos and having them removed after treatment and have been told they have to stay incase it comes back. Ah well. Rads don’t start until end of June, which will give me time to build up my strength.
Hope you are all well xx

Thanks guys!

Well done Nadz, it’s such a relief to finish, isn’t it! Knowing each day that passes, once the last set of SE’s have mostly gone, that you’re body can start recovering and won’t be knocked back again! 


Amanda X

Hey that’s good news chemo is finished Nadz!

I was also told that they prefer them to stay, in case it comes back, today by a very abrupt and hard faced lady doing the radio treatment. Well I am sorry but that is not looking on the positive side that it has gone. I am not willing to have those stupid 3mm blue splodges on my body for the rest of my life. They are making me feel depressed. I cry every time I see them. Can’t help myself. In Australia and America they remove them after treatment so why the hell can’t we in the UK? Because they don’t want to, for financial reasons most probably, they make us have them for treatment it is only right they remove them.

I think you will need to be gently persistent to get them removed, Vicky. May be more receptive about it after your treatment? It seems strange that you were told that they might need them again, they don’t usually treat the same place twice. And as you said, it was hardly a positive or encouraging thing to say!


Concentrate on getting through the treatment and tackle the removal once you have recovered from that. I hope your BCN gets back to you soon.


Amanda x

Thanks Amanda. I will try. Just want to know. I am a planning ahead and knowing what’s coming person but my oncology team seem to be a we’ll tell her one step at a time lot. I can’t deal with it. I have already told them that over them not telling me about rads until last minute. Xx

Hi Gillian,


I haven’t lost any nails…yet! My middle toe nails on both feet have a red/purple mark from the cuticle upwards, and are tender, too, so maybe they are going to be lost!


Which nails did you lose and what happened? How long after the last chemo did you lose the first one? (Were you on FEC-T?)


Still get quite tired by mid afternoon and in the evening and have various mild SE’s but nothing to write home about. Rads start on Monday, I’ll be glad to get them done, as I still have a bladder prolapse & possible hysterectomy to think about…next gyno appointment is at the end of June, should find out more about what they are planning then! 



Hi Gillian. Thanks for the rads tattoo info. I will look them up tomorrow. Just off to bed.
I haven’t lost any nails as yet. There is a definite lower area by the cuticle and bit bumpy as it comes towards the tip. Looking sort of rainbow really. Various different red, purple, yellowy sort of nearly orange lines. Bit peculiar but kind of pretty in a twisted sort of way! Xx

My nails sound like Gillians

I kept them all through chemo with no pain or worries they were going anywhere they looked fine but about 4 weeks after finishing the tops started to turn white and peel if I trim them and get rid of it then it just reappears. I have just painted over (not something I can usually do as no nail varnish at work) mine are still short so I dont catch them and im taking it as an opportunity to paint my nails knowing eventually it’ll stop .

Hi - dropping in from the Jan thread - we are worrying about our nails too!! I hate the idea of any lifting, I’m very squeamish when it comes to nails ?
Wishing you all good luck with your next stages of treatment, returning to work or generally getting on with life!