Well it’s started! Hair starting to shed quite a lot now.
Been kidding myself that may not happen again this time as it was hanging on in there. May have been a little slower as I missed my last chemo session due to high liver enzyme levels.
Trying to decide whether to get it cut short or just deal with lots of long hair everywhere.
Also missing tomorrows chemo session too as liver enzymes still high at least I will be feeling well now for my birthday on Monday though
Hi @pumpkin2
Sorry to hear about the delay in chemo, can they reduce the dosage?
I went for the no1 cut all over, hair shedding everytime moved my head. Its been a long week getting used to the new look. Im thinking at least i know the chemo is doing what its supposed to.
Happy Birthday for Monday !
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
Hope you are getting used to your new hair
And hope it’s not been too chilly in this cold weather.
Yes I think I’m going to have to bite the bullet at some point and cut it all really short. But managing to put up with it at the moment. I have got a referral to the hospital hairdresser sorted out today to have a look at wigs, although really not sure whether to get one or just stick with beanies etc. what are you planning on doing? X
I’m going to a LGFB session soon too @pumpkin2, same as you I’m not a big make-up wearer but it will be a good opportunity to meet people…and the goodie bag! I heard cold-capping doesn’t stop the hairloss just slows it down (and mine is coming out in handfuls now) but regrowth is quicker afterwards, I presume because the hair follicles haven’t been as damaged as with no cap.
Haha yes I’m looking forward to the goodie bag too!
Hi guys hope you are all doing well?
Haven’t been on for a bit last chemo threw me a bit and I only feel more human again this week.
I have also booked a LGFB workshop not until end of feb though as next one closest to me was day before chemo so need bloods doing etc
I have managed to keep my side hair and some bits round the front but the top bit is very wispy now. I went to a shop called simply wigs to get one and I found one that was very similar to my hair so was really pleased. I’m not really wearing it at home I am tending to wear my headscarves more or nothing at all but have worn it out just a bit self conscious it will fly off picture below of me in it and I don’t think you can tell.
My next treatment is Tuesday next week 3 out of 4 so getting there , wishing everyone whose had it recently or this week the best of luck
You look fab! It really suits you and looks so natural.
Good luck with your next treatment, almost there.
Enjoy the feeling good bit and make the most of it xxx
I have just got a delivery of a couple of turban wraps I ordered from ‘wrapd in love’ on Etsy.
They are great and very easy to put on. They are made in Australia but there is a uk distribution so only took a few days to arrive. Some lovely colours, although a few were out of stock - really wanted the rainbow one!
Thanks @pumpkin2 this will make you laugh I went out today in one of my headscarves , I nipped to the loo whilst I was out and realised the top of it had come loose and kind of inflated and I looked like a bishop people look anyway when your in a scarf but this was way over the top - i should of just gone round saying bless you my child
Will have a look at those other ones you mentioned x
Wow @mumto2 I thought that was your own hair until I read your post, I hope mine suits me that well - going to pick it up this Weds. I have done 6 weekly sessions so far with cold cap, it seems a little colder each time possibly because I am still losing hair so less insulation. Hope your next chemo goes well.
Hello, I was diagnosed in November 2024 with BC and started chemo in early December. I am on weekly paclitaxel for the first 12 weeks and then switching to EC for the last 4 which will be every 3 weeks. I will then have surgery and radiotherapy. I have been coping well with the chemo and had minimal issues so far and feeling really positive. I had a CT scan last week and was told that they found something on my liver, could be a cyst, but they want better imaging so have referred me for an MRI. Ever since I have felt so anxious and my mind has gone to some very dark places. I don’t know who to turn to as I’m not very good at reaching out for help.
Hi @kimmie-9
Good to hear your chemo is going well. Sorry to hear you are in a dark place with your liver. It is so hard waiting for definitive answers to what is going on and it is only natural to be anxious and try and fill in the blanks. But do try to remain positive and not focus on maybes.
I’m like you and not very good at reaching out but I have contacted the breast cancer now nurses before when I found myself really worked up. It really helped calm me down, it was much easier talking to someone who wasn’t close to me.
Sending some big supportive hugs xx
Thank you for your reply. I am feeling positive that the chemo is working well as the tumour has now gone and I’m not ill after each chemo session. I think I’m feeling so shocked and scared because in all the conversations I’ve had so far, they’ve said that they do not suspect that it has spread to my lymph nodes so I feel blindsided by this news. The doctor and nurse did say that scans do pick up things in bodies that they weren’t expecting and it could be nothing. But it’s hard not to worry x
Hi @kimmie-9 , welcome to the club no one wants to be in but we are all here to support you and one another. As @pumpkin2 says it’s that awful place of not knowing and having to wait and it’s very normal for your mind to go to dark places, my advice would be the same when your mind goes there accept that’s that’s normal but then try and look for the positives that the chemo is working, it wasn’t in your lymph nodes , your in the safest hands and that it can absolutely be something else totally innocent . I absolutely know that it is easier said than done , the waiting is always the worst! We are here for you whatever and wish you the very best outcome
Thank you so much for your reply, I do appreciate it. It’s just so down-heartening and worrying. I had been feeling so positive about chemo, and despite being signed off work, have been able to live my normal life such as going to exercise classes and swimming. I am a bit of a worrier anyway so this is naturally something I would really worry about. But your advice is something I will try to follow! I am so glad I have this forum where I can go to empathise and sympathise with others who are going through the rollercoaster that chemo is. Take care and best wishes x
Hi @spuddy
Fellow 60 yr old withTNBC on session 7 of 12 of taxo and carbpoplatin here. How is your treatment going?
Ive had fun with low cortisol caised by the steroid and now low magnesium causing muscle fatigue.
Hey everyone hope your all doing well, last treatment for me was Tuesday last week and if I’m honest it was a bit of a Sh1t week , 3rd out of 4th treatment which is great to be so far along now but think it’s starting to kick my ass a bit with the fatigue! I feel about 108 and I’m so bored as I don’t have the energy to do anything ! On the positive side only one more to go so every cloud eh. Anyone else struggling with sleep oh and vivid dreams ?
Take it easy
Are you on docetaxol? I know some of us back on the oct27 thread had bizarre dreams on docetaxol Shi xx
Oh really yes I’m on docetaxel - bizarre I thought it might be the extended steroids they put me on for the pain - such joy , thanks for the heads up