Hi I am new to the forum but I could do with a bit of advice. I had my left breast removed incl. nipple in March and an expander implant fitted and a mamoplasty to my right breast at the time. I was initally diagnosed with High Grade Widespread multifocal DCIS but after my mastectomy the results came back showing microinvasions too. I was told that I didnt need any further treatment that the cancer had gone. I went with the flow of it all as we all do, its only now that I have really got my head around it all and realise how lucky I was. I wasnt aware any of this was going on inside my breast until after a routine mamogram which is what scares me. Both of my breast have always been lumpy due to a fibrous tissue and cysts so with now having had a mamoplasty I presume there will be scar tissue too in my right breast making it harder for me to detect if anything is going on which scares me even more. Is my paranoia enough to warrant another mastectomy? I would like your opinions. I have to decide what next to do and have just over a week till I see my doctor. He has given me three choices (1) I have my expander implant removed and a larger one fitted and at the same time a further reduction to my right breast. (2) Reoperate on my right to try to bring it closer to my implant size which to be honest I think I have ruled out as they are so very different I really dont think it is going to work, I dont think he thinks this one is an option really (3)Another mastectomy and immediate impant. I didnt have a choice with my first mastectomy but now I do have a choice and I am finding it hard to decide what to do. I know a mastectomy would be the only one which would make the two look similar. But once its gone its gone. Help?
Cheryl, I do not have direct personal experience of this but I’m bumping this to bring it to the top again.
Would it help to talk to the helpline tomorrow?
Hope you get some more opinions!
hi cheryl. tough decisions eh ? no one can really advise you what to do, its you who has to live with the decision, may be this will help you to decide tho… do a list for and against… you know what its like to loose your breast, can you cope if you loose the other one 2,
on the pluss side… your reconstructed breasts will probably match up evenly. you will greatly reduce the risk of further problems. on the down side, its further surgery and all that goes hand in hand with that, not sure if this idea helps but its a thought. whatever you decide must be the rite decision for you and you alone. thinking of you and hope your ok angie x