Declining Tomoxifen and Zoladex

Hi Janey

Its totally your decision and you do what you feel is right for you…but just want to say ive had tamoxifen, zoladex, an oophrectomy and now on arimdex and with all the drugs/treatments I havent had any symptoms so who knows whether you will suffer from any yourself - we are all different…


I remember being scared of taking tamoxifen because of all the scary side effects I’d heard about, in fact I was paranoid about it and dreading them telling me I had to take it. But as has been mentioned before, I also read on here at the time about asking for the Nolvodex D as opposed to the generic tamoxifen as the side effects seem to be less. I must admit I only got hot sweats and joint stiffness for a month or so before it settled down.

I am now post-menopausal and so take Arimidex. Again for the first month I had similar symptoms but it has settled down. And I can live with the odd hot sweat!

What I’m trying to say is that it might not be as bad as you think and you may feel differently when you reach that stage.

I wish you luck, whatever your decision.

Love Caz xxx

Hi Janey

I have taken the decision not to have hormone treatment, tried it but had bad side effects which I wasn’t prepared to live with for 5 years.

I am happy that I made an informed choice, and have complete peace of mind about my decision. I totally respect everyones personal choices, at the end of the day it is up to you, you have to live with your decision.

When the time comes you will make the best choice for you.

Best wishes, Deborahxxx

Hi everyone,
Just like Janey, I am considering stopping my tamoxifen treatments. I am 39 and was diagnosed 31May 07. Stage 2 Invasive Ductal carcimona . I had lumpectomy and node removal, I had 1 node involved and had to have 3 re-excisions as my surgeon was not happy with the clear margins around the tumour. I had six Chemo and then 3 weeks of Rads. My surgeon told me to stop taking the contraceptive pill on my diagnosis ( 20 years of use) which leads me to think that this had alot to do with it. My cancer was hormone receptive.
I was starting to feel quite healthy again when i started the tamoxifen. I had night sweats from day 1, quickly followed by flushes during the day , head aches, nausea and low libido. Through lack of sleep I feel terrible , I have been taking tamoxifen for 6 weeks and i will continue to take it until i speak to my oncologist. Black cohosh and evening primrose have been suggested by my GP but otherwise I was told that I would have to put up with it.
Can anyone suggest any herbal remedies, The night sweats are my main concern. Best wishes everyone and keep positive. love Andrea

Hi Andrea,
I was on clonidine after a hysterectomy in 1991, because of bad sweats. However, my GP stopped it when I got bc in 2003. A locum GP suggested black cohosh and another herbal remedy which I forget now, but when I researched them, found they were not recommended for bc. A friend in the US sent me a Chillow pillow (they are available in England now - just google it for suppliers) and I find this does help during the night when waking up with a sweat. I am taking Arimidex and bishphosphonates so not sure if they are contributing to the sweats.


Hi Janey

I was diagnosed aged 45 and commenced tamoxifen following my treatment. main side effect was hot flushes but I had accupuncture which helped control them. I also had radiotherapy to my ovaries to stop oestrogen production so didnt need Zoladex. I have a friend who has had Zoladex with few side effects.


Thank you all of you who have taken time to respond to my dilemma. It is so much appreciated. We are all individual and our ‘condition’ unique to each of us. All of your comments are most helpful in helping me make an informed choice regarding any of the treatment choices that I make. I also hope that this thread has helped others to think a little bit about choices and not just accept what the medics say is best for ‘us’.

Kind regards to all of you.

Janey x