depression / back pain

Hi everyone
What a place to be on mothering sunday!!
Anyway, is anyone suffering with either/both of these symptoms. I was diagnosed with stage 1, 12/14mm. strongly oestrogen positive breast cancer in October 2007 - had lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy, which was clear, radiotherapay x 15, and on arimidex since Feb 08. I have now had back pain for some months and due for a nuclear bone scan. I am really frightened of the scan itself and of the result -but I am a worrier. Anyone out there identify with this situation and/or had the scan. I am worrying myself sick, which I know is not helping me, but I live alone and am a natural worrier. I have been told that although it is rare that my particular type of this disease would ‘travel’ elsewhere, it has been known!!
Would be most grateful for others’ experiences.
With many thanks

Hi Deevk, how very lucky you are to be getting a scan, i have my gp telling me that i can no longer kneel because i have arthritis in my knees, and the constant hip pain is also arthritis( though no tests or referrals to confirm it is arthritis), i started on arimidex in jan 2008, changed to aromasin in aug 2008 i now also have high blood pressure that is having to be controlled by medication, and found out on Thursday that i also now have high cholesterol so i now have to wait for the surgeon to come back off hols to ok the statins! (i do not see an oncologist as i feel they have let me down), i eat loads of fruit and veg, only use olive oil and have semi skimmed milk! to date i have had two mastectomies and immediate recons with lymph removal, though the second one was only due to a rogue 9mm cyst, but could not face another mammogram, my cancer was a grade 3 16mm surrounded by DCIS, 7/8 oestrogen and 6/8 progesterone, no chemo, luckily no rads, had the hysterectomy and total oopherectomy in dec 2007, its all gone downhill since starting on the aromatiase inhibitors, i feel about 90 years old, i am never without pain in my joints, i am 46 years old and due to see my surgeon in may this year, i am going to ask for a bone scan as i do worry that as i had vascular invasion seen that this could have spread, i know a lot of the joint pain and back pain is down to the aromatiase inhibitors, this is an area that i feel the lack of information on the dreadful side effects we can get is such an insult to us, i would love to come off these drugs but am too scared to.
sorry to rant, but i think some pct’s are so much better than the one i am in, at least you are getting listened to, thats good, and i am crossing my fingers that the scan for you is fine
lots of love

Deevk, you are doing the right thing getting a scan, they arent painful or invasive, in fact I have found them rather restful. Obviously you are more worried about the result but it is the only way you will have peace of mind…


Alison - if you are worried at all you should press for a scan, GPS can be so clueless…

Hi deevk and Alison

It sounds like you’re both having a pretty tough time at the moment.
May I suggest you give the BCC helpline a call as here you will be able to talk through your worries and concerns with one of our trained members of staff. All the staff on the helpline either has experience of breast cancer, or is a breast care nurse and will be able to offer you a listenng ear as well as support and information.

The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday and Saturday 10am to 2pm.

I hope you find this helpful.

Kinds regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

I had back pain had a scan , injection go back two hours larer a flat piece of metal passes over you NO PROBS …did not have to undress. The worst is wating for results …which in my case proved to be osteo-arthritis. I asked my Onc about Amidex and he said causes lots of people joint pains so i am sticking to Tam for know. Good luck let us know how you get on .