Deterioration of this disease

Hi Debs

You were so caring when I lost my chemo buddy earlier this year, I hate to think of what you’re going through.

Hopefully the treatment will give you some peaceful (and energetic) time to complete your ‘bucket list’ whatever that entails.


Mal x

Hi Debs
I’ve not been on here for a while and I’m sorry to see how you are suffering and also Ian. Although I’m not in the same place as you symptom wise I will be at some time so can fully understand what you are saying. It’s something we all like to ignore for as long as possible but the reality is that we will all have to face it some time. I hope you can get some relaxation through healing or any other way and that Ian is able to find any help he may need. Thinking of you and hope it’s the chemo causing all these problems as it works it’s magic on the uggers.
Nicky x

Dear Debs

I am following your posts and hoping that you are having some better days. Your posts are so full of life and humour despite everything this shxt disease is throwing at you. Love to you and your husband.

Hello Debs
I’m new on this site , but have been glued for the last couple of days reading all the different posts . You are so amazing (as are all the woman on here ) I am so moved and have such respect ,I’m in total awe of how bloody courageous you and so many others are , I’m terrified at the moment but reading the threads has given me so much comfort. Just amazing how the internet and total strangers can have such impact .Thinking of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi to old friends and new,
it does help when I log on and read the post, it is tough do we tell it as it is or do we hold back? My decision right or wrong is to tell it as it is, I don’t have a blog well no that’s not true somewhere I think my youngest Donna-Marie set me one up but I have done nothing with it. So if you will let me I will continue to tell all here!
Got up the earliest I ave done in ages 12.30 (I know not really early) had a bath and I noticed when I dried myself I was able to put my panties on without falling over! So that is a bit of improvement I have also visited the kitchen twice today had a few phone calls and although still breathless I managed to have a laugh with a couple of friends.
Ian is going to the Dr’s tomorrow so hope he will talk openly I asked did he want me to go with him but he said no. He has been a bit more ‘happyface’ and less ‘sadface’ so I have felt a bit better. Lets hope they can help him.
The weather has been better here I know my summer of fun and sun was canceled but looks like lots have suffered with British summer.
It is good that other are joining this thread and I treasure the support you have given me and thanks for all the messages with regard to Ian’s struggle it is so hard on our friends and family it is not just about us. Is it?
Love Debsxxx

Lovely to hear from you Debs (well i did speak to you on live chat last night, but you know what I mean)!!

Sounds like an improvement to me! Glad Ian has more ‘happyface’.

Lets hope this really is an Indian Summer of Fun.

Julie xxx

Glad today was a little better for you Debs. I hope Ian gets on ok at the doctor’s tomorrow. It’s such a strain on both of you and your family. I really hope tomorrow brings a good day for you.
You’re such a big part of these forums Debs. Thanks so much for sharing. Thinking of you - you’ve given me such encouragement to grab my life whilst I’ve got it. Just got back from Paris - another goal achieved and the dog really seems to love the kennels now which is great!
Take care Debs and keep posting.
Much love,
Anne xx

Why is it that so many of our men bury their head in the sands so to speak? Just before my dx my husband kept telling me “it will be ok”, “it’s going to be nothing serious” and so on, although I secretly kept an open mind I dont think men do that so much and I believe they also fight off any “low” feelings because they think they should.

Even now, although I mention sometimes my future worries, my OH won’t hear of anything like “secondaries” or recurrence, he just says “it won’t happen” - it is so damn annoying because we all know it could.

I hope that Ian has a good chat with the Dr and that they can offer something, be it medication or just support to help.

Also hope that you are slowly and surely improving Debs too.

Hi Debs,
Just to say I’m thinking of you and glad to hear you’ve had a better day and hope things are beginning to improve and the chemo is doing its stuff. Pleased to hear Ian’s a bit more ‘happy face’ and hope all goes well at the Docs tomorrow.
Love Lesley x x

Hello Debs
I just wanted to let you know I’ve been reading your posts and I think about you a lot. I’m glad to read that you’ve had a better day and also that Ian’s looking a bit happier.
Take care
Anthi x

Hi Debs,

I hope to be another “new” friend. I just wanted to say that I think you’re such a generous person, sharing your feelings with us and worrying about Ian. I worry about my hubbie as well, both myself and my daughter have cancer and at the moment I can’t shake the feeling that he may end up on his own. Sorry I don’t want to moan about myself! I just want to wish you all the best and send you and your family a big hug and strength to face whatever may lie ahead.

Take care


Hi Debs,
Just to add to everyones good wishes, I read your posts every day and am so pleased you are feeling a little better.

Please keep telling it as it is, it is so good that we can share our feelings. I also have lung mets, I try so hard to remain positive but this is a very hard road that we are going down!!

Anyway enough of that, it is the most beautiful sunny day today which hopefully will make us all feel better.

Take care,

Hi Debs

may you have more days when things get better for you and hubby.

Veggiebean how awful for you and to have your daughter going through it as well.

thinking of everyone

Hey bubbly,

Thanks for that but we are OK at the moment. We have a lot to be thankful for.



Hi Debs

Just wanted to say hi as I haven’t been on here much lately - sorry you’re having such a bad time at the moment - hope it’s more the effects of the chemo knocking you for six rather than the uggers.

Thinking of you and Ian and sending lots of love

Lesley xx

today has been a bit hectic, I had to go and sort out bank as they had made an error and canceled my life insurance what dying person cancels life insurance? Answer … a really daft one! Well I staggered in bank and asked if we could go in a quiet room was told I would have to wait a couple of hours as it was being used. When I said ‘what for 3 hours?’
the room as suddenly available. With luck everything was sorted out, so much for telephone banking no wonder the banks are in such a mess. The lady who dealt with me was kind caring and I hope good at her job, she convinced me it is all sorted and direct debit will be paid. We will see.
Ian went to GP and she was lovely with him, she said that we have both coped so well over the past 5 years and our emotion batteries are heading for empty and we need help. She has rung up every couple of months to check on us and could not believe that we have managed so well. She is sorting out Mcmillan and hospice plus counceling Ian is to go back and have bloods done he is going to have an m.o.t.
He said they had a good chat and she is going to ring me for a chat.
So fingers crossed he looked like he had had a bit of a cry. I think there is a sense of relief that he will gain some support.
I have had less time in bed asleep this week, but I am still having breathing problems and my legs are still like jelly. I have started a new book and I am really pleased about this as I have had trouble concentrating. So keep with me please and maybe we will see a turn in the right direction.
Thank you all so much for your support. Off for treatment tomorrow, so hope bloods are good.
Love Debsxxx

Hi Debs, I am glad your husband has been to see his GP. You certainly have a lot on your plate lass. But I am glad you are keeping in touch with us on this site because we like to know how you are doing. I hope things get better for you, I really do. When I look back myself at one point in the last 10years, I thought I was at deaths door and it you had seen me then you may have thought I was years older than I was as I was frail and bent, in pain and exhausted. Yet as treatments have gone on, I feel more myself again and I feel on top of things again. I know at any point things could change for the worse. But they have been worse and I feel life is better again for the moment anyway. I hope the hospital looks after you well and your treatment tomorrow goes ok. Lots of love and hugs, from Val ( Scottishlass) XX

Hi Debs,

Just to say I hope your treatment goes well tomorrow and that you start to feel a bit stronger soon. I love reading your posts, ‘berrygate’ had me in stitches! You give so much support to everyone on here and tell it like it is. Keep it up, thinking of you and Ian (glad you have such an understanding gp),

Pat x

hi debs,

just adding my love and admiration to those who have written before me… you are just doing amazing by posting and keeping us all up to date not only are we keeping up with you and your progress but we are learning so much from you… hope each day is a little better.

also tell ian he did such a good thing today and i’m sure he will benfit and not slip down further as a result. my husband has actually been off work with depresion since jan this year. he has gone back part time this week. the dr called it reactive depression, reacting to my cancer last year. i’m sure it would not have happened as severly as it has if he had been able to ask for help sooner. he has now had counselling, medication and acupunture and is definately so much better…

i don’t have secondries but this year was harder than last year when i had the full blast of bc treatment. watching the ones we love suffer as a result of this illness is the hardest thing to bare. i hope he and you get all the support you need, tell him to take everything that is going…

you are in my prayers everyday, thank you for allowing us to walk with you on this journey,

lots of love, hugs, sunshine and peace,


Hi Debs
Haven’t posted on here, but been reading your posts and they really are imspirational so please keep posting when you are up to it.Hope Ian gets the help he needs. I really feel it is so hard on our partners through all this. I know I could cope if I was in their position.
Hope you manage to have your treatment to-day.
We will have a drink to you at our lunch in Bristol on Tuesday, so sorry that you are not well enough to join us. So much has happened to most of us since that first lunch which I think was about February.
This disease really is relentless.
Marmite x