Hello Debs,
So sorry to hear your news and I hope that the blood transfusion goes ahead and gives you some more energy and quality time.
Love & prayers,
Eliza xx
Hello Debs,
So sorry to hear your news and I hope that the blood transfusion goes ahead and gives you some more energy and quality time.
Love & prayers,
Eliza xx
Dear Debs,
I could not come on and read your post without adding my own message… You have been such an inspiration to me over the last few months. You have made me laugh so much with your antics and stories at a time when I was so sick. You are a true inspiration to us all.
I will be hoping and praying very hard for you and your family and that the transfusion will be very beneficial to you. Thinking of you all.
God Bless
Fiona xx
Hello Debs - just to say you are in my thoughts.
Love Clare X
Dear Debs Haven’t posted here before but have followed your story. Sending warm vibes and love to you and your family
Leadie x
Dear Debs and Ian,
so sorry to hear your news. Debs you are such a support and an inspiration to so many of us on these forums and my thoughts are with you at this difficult and emotional time.
May your guardian Angel watch over you
Katie x
Dear Debs
I’m so sorry to hear this - I will send lots of good thoughts to you and loving kindness - a Buddhist thing that my mum often does to protect us
chipper xxx
Debs - My thoughts and prayers are with you , Ian and your family - I just pray that blood transfusion kicks in and you are able to have treatment - sending love and positive thoughts …Jaynex
Dear Debs
I have posted on other site too, I cannot find words to say really. I hope you get your transfusion on Tuesday and your chemo on Thursday if that is what you want.
I cannot imagine what you and your family are going through or how you are dealing with this news.
My thoughts are with you and your family and sending lots of love and hugs.
Dear Debs, hoping the transfusion goes okay on Tuesday and you get some extra precious time with Ian and your family, sending lots of love and thinking of you, Di xxx
I hope the blood transfusion went OK and is working some healing magic for you.
Dear Debs and Ian
Prayers as always particularly that you have peace when dealing with the emotional side.
Love Crispy
Debs- I am so sorry honey. I will pray, more than anything else, that you spend the time you need with Ian and your daughters and that you are able to convey to them your immense love.
many hugs…all my love…shalom…
So sorry Debs, my thoughts are with you and your family
Dear Debs – sending you strength, hope & love. Marilyn xx
i am so sorry to hear your news debs and i hope you get the strengh to have some good time with your family.
love reneexx
so sorry to hear your news, you are a true inspiration to so many on here. Hope transfusion went okay and you have some quality time with your family xxx
oh Debs, i’ve not been keeping up with so much on this site, but tonight i’ve come to see how things are going for you. I am so sorry for what you are going through, what this shite disease is doing to you. You are such an amazing person, keep fighting as long as it’s right for you to do so Debs, my heart goes out to you and the ones you love. Nikki
Debs this is truly awful, you are such a beautiful, inspirational lady and words can’t describe how devastating it must be for you all.
Hope the transfusion helps and you gain some strength.
Love to you all
P x
hello Debs
like so many other people on here, I just wanted to tell you how I have read and admired your words of support and encouragement on this forum and how you have dealt with the hideousness with grace and humour. I believe you have given an example that many of us aspire to.
Debs, the people you have reached on this forum are an insignificant part of your life in comparison with your family and friends, but there is an astonishing amount of love for you reflected here.
I hope that your transfusion goes easily and gives you the energy to spend good time with your family and I will be praying for you all.
Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us
love, monica xxx
Hoping they put some razzle dazzle in that transfusion to give you some energy to enjoy Christmas with your loved ones.
Hugs for you
Lily x