Deterioration of this disease

Blondie,Hugs for you(((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))
Debs ,Hugs for you too((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))
And prayers that you are at peace and comfortable.


Dear Debs,
Hoping all our love will give you strength and see you through,
Josie x

Dear Debs
Only just caught up with your post. Thinking about you and hoping that all goes well and that the chemo is successful. You have been through so much and you were so helpful to me and Lisa when she was having Avastin and Pax at the same time as you.
You are in my thoughts and I am praying that there is more positive news when you next post.
The amount of people that have answered you just shows how much you are loved and how many of us are batting for you!
Lots of love Sue x


Thinking bout you, hope ur transfusion went ok and u managed to have chemo today too if that was what you wanted, as know u were unsure.

Big hugs to you and Ian and sending lots of love

Hi Debs,

don’t know what I can say that hasn’t already been said but just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts. I it makes me so sad to hear you are suffering so. I hope your star is shining down and you are able to enjoy some happy times with your family over the next few weeks. With my mum being in a similar situation I know how difficult it is for all of you.

Sending you much love,

SunnyBear xx

Hi Debs,

I am so sorry to hear your news.
I think sometimes we forget how toxic the chemo really is.

I am sure you will feel better after a blood transfusion and it will give you some strength for the next few weeks to enjoy the time with your family.

I have been thinking of yourself and also Jane and Kay.
You really helped me through a very difficult time.
Who would have thought 20 years ago that some of the most precious
people you get to know are through the ‘cyber’ world.

I am sending much love, strength and courage to you and your family.
I also hope that you can find an inner calm and peace.

Much love to you Debs,


Hi Debs

Was hoping that you might have been feeling a bit better now after the transfusion Am thinking of you lots - and hoping and hoping that you have some quality time over Christmas and get to see that new little bean.

Tess - I think of you too often and that day we met nearly 2 years ago in London. And then of course memories of Pinkdove. It continues to amaze me how strong and supportive some of these “cyber” friendships are. And indeed what a hole is left when someone else dies.
Feeling very sad at the moment (probably not helped by the time of year) at the loss of Jane and Deirdre and the fact so many - you in particular Debs - are so unwell. I just wish I could wave a magic wand and give everybody a peaceful, painfree and stressfree Christmas with much happiness and laughter.

Kay xx

Dear Debs

Like Celeste I have avoided coming onto this thread, and there’s nothing I can say that hasn’t been said before. I’m thinking of you. You’ve touched the lives of so many people, as this thread shows.

With love
Alison x

I have just this minute finished speaking to Ian - Deb’s husband. The chemo had an overwhelming effect on Debs, and she is now far too ill to post. She sleeps pretty much all of the time, and is in some pain.

Ian has read out all the posts to Debs, and she was able to indicate that she had heard them. Ian would like to pass on his thanks to all of you who have posted for your support, particularly blondie, who posted on the day of her fathers death.

Deb’s daughters are travelling down tomorrow.

What sad times these are - thinking of you Debs and of course you Ian too, - I know there’s not many people out there who have had the love and support received and given - what a fantastic couple.

Celeste - so sorry to hear the latest developments…:frowning: Sending so much love to Debs, Ian and the girls…

Theresa x

Oh no ,thats such bad news.I hope Debs get pain relief sorted and has time to spend with her husband and daughters.This disease is just so cruel.
Debs you are well loved on here and we are all rooting for you.
Love and peace

Debs and Ian, just want you to know that I’m thinking of you and hoping the pain can be brought under control so that you can spend some quality time with your daughters.

Sending lots of love and prayers
Lesley x

Ian and Debs and family - please take comfort in the love that surrounds you all - you all made it happen together and it will last forever.

The Kingdom of heaven is inside you and all around each one of you.

God bless

Debs and Ian…thinking of you both. So sorry the chemo has had such an effect…The biggest {{{hugs}}} ever…lots of love

Words sometimes just seem so very very inadequate. This is the news I was dreading reading - I now can but hope that the pain will be managed somehow for you.

You, Ian and your daughters continue to be much in my thoughts, Debs.

With much love Kay xx

Sending more love to you Debs, Ian and your family. Hoping you can rally from this nasty chemo and spend some comfortable precious time with your lovely ones
Jacquie xxx

oh debs and Ian and the family - don’t know what to say - except that you are in my thoughts and prayers - willing and sending only positive thoughts…jayne x

Debs and Ian

Much love to you both from the Dew Drop Inn from Susie, Emily Jane, Jen, AnnaG Nina (White Dragon) and me and Dave XXXXXXXXXXXX

Just don’t know what to say except you, Ian and your family are very much in my thoughts, this was news none of us wanted to hear, - gentle hugs from Diane xxx