diagnosed 9th 2010 november at assessment centre

Alison - good luck tomorrow, don’t forget to write things down - you may remember everything, you may not, but it can be reassuring to re-read notes and be certain that you’ve got the details down. I can guarantee you will find it a little easier once you have some info, and have had a proper talk with your consultant and breast care nurse, at least it gives you something to focus on. Let us know how you get on xxx

Ann R - hope the pre-op all went ok, and you were able to ask any questions you needed to. Stay strong, I’m sure you will, we’re all here for you too xx

Michele- you must be being an enormous tower of strength for you mum, don’t forget to take time out for yourself and the support you will need, it’s so important. Best of luck with meeting the surgeon tomorrow - take lots of notes, and make sure you’ve written down any questions you’ve thought of since your mum’s diagnosis. It does, psychologically, get easier once you know ‘things are being done’ - the treatment may be hard, but it’s so much better than being in limbo.

Take care girls, and everyone else on here

Sophie xxx

Posted for new user Miranda
Jo, Facilitator

Hi Alison

I’m at the beginning too so you’re not alone - sounds like you’re about a week ahead though as I had my biopsy yesterday and they’re pretty sure it’s bc. go back monday for the test results and at some point have to have an MRI scan so like you I don’t know wether I’m coming or going. My husband arrives home today (coming back early from a business trip) and I can’t wait but that also means we will have to tell the kids why he’s back and that I am dreading.

Still, it seems that once we have a ‘plan’ for treatment it’s easier to cope so good luck and all that and if you need a “hand to hold” then this forum, although making me a bit teary, seems a great place,

Loads of love

Hi Jo and Miranda
I am seeing consultant today, nobody has mentioned an MRI scan to me yet but I guess that will be one of the joys I have in store. Like you my head is a mess and I have been chatting on the thread Head Spinning, it is a really good and positive thread. Waiting is the worse part, feel like I am wishing time away. My partner and family have been great. My partner has cried with me and is scared with me, and I think I would be lost without him. My girls 20 and 24 are great but I dont want to put too much on them. Chin up and smile. Cry if you need to. I am on this site most of the day and you can private mess me as well. I am also on facebook and would be happy to talk if you want although I might not have too many answers as I am still at the beginning of this journey.
Love Alison x

Hi everyone Addenbrookes phoned this afternoon - planning session for rads day after tomorrow, Not long to wait thank goodness just want to get started and hopefully finished by Xmas.
Eileen x

Hi all
Seen onc today…lump on 1st december then anther 2 wks for results…rads definately on the cards…feel relieved somehow…its true once youve got a treatment you seem to move on. Hugs to you all alison x

Alison, I missed this yesterday somehow - so glad you now have a date to focus on xxxxx. You having a lumpectomy then? Are they doing a sentinel node biopsy, or a clearance? (Just me being nosy!). I was told if I’d gone for a lumpectomy (wle) then rads would have been definite, so I’m sure that’s pretty standard treatment.

1st Dec not too far away - enjoy sleeping on your side whilst you can!!! It’s honestly not too bad - but you will need to take it steady. I am useless at sitting still, but actually I’ve had to - I’ve been surprised at how tired I’ve been since my op. Trouble is - body might be tired, mind is still bored!!!

Stock up on dvds and good books, and don’t forget new knickers, can’t go into hospital without new knickers…

Big love

Sophie xxx

so pleased you have a treatment plan :slight_smile: not long now xx

Sophie loving the new knickers plan xx

Hi alison, Pleased you now have a treatment plan and you feel a little better. Mum had to have a Core Biopsy on Tuesday as they have found calcification deposits around the tumour and need to check for possible pre-cancer or whether these are cancer too. She was very brave and want along with all they wanted to do. Back next week for the results then we start on a plan hopefully. It my be a Mastectomy if the calcification is advanced, although on the good side the onc surgeon has said that he doesn’t believe the cancer has spread to the nodes, although when surgery is underway, they will check these too. Hope to have a clearer picture next week. God Bless x xx Michele

Hi Guys
Not got the knickers yet but due period at the time of my op…thinking of getting some tena lady knickers/pants what do you think…still feeling ok but have to stop smoking…oh well at least that gives me somrthing else to think about.
Love Alison

I was panicking that my period would be due at op time, fortunately it has held off until this week - but if yours is due, then maybe tena lady/disposable knickers would be good - at least you can just throw them away, one less thing to worry about. And I suppose, in the big scheme of things, a little menstrual blood is no biggy compared to the sights they must see in theatre!!!

On the thread where we discussed knickers before (can’t remember which one it was) some women had been given paper knickers to wear for the op, so said ‘knickers fit for a surgeon’ weren’t necessary… well, if you come to Salisbury hospital, you go in wearing your own pants… so I was VERY glad I had new, clean, properly elasticated and decently fitting knickers on!!!

Sophie xx

I was diagnosed on 22nd October with double mastectomy which has now been reduced to single mastectomy on 24th November with tissue biopsy on second as despite 26 biopsies the cancer thought to be in that breast has not been found. I feel turned on my head as with double mastectomy I would look the same both sides but do I opt for reconstruction and then find that the second breast will be removed in January - really really don’t know what to do.

shadow1 - could you hold off on the recon until you know exactly what will happen with your other breast? I know that often they will advise against an immediate recon if there’s a chance you will have to have rads, as these can affect appearance/size of implant?

It would also give you more time to decide what you want, post - op, rather than feeling you have to rush a decision. Also, if you do have to have both breasts removed, you can have the recon done at the same time for both - and pick whatever size you want…

Big hugs, this is so tough for you.

Sophie xx

I agree with Sophie, I am due to have bilateral mx in Jan (with inplants)then rads, as my plastic surgeon suggested. As Sophie said, rads may change the apearance of your skin and reconstruction… I have been adviced that the effects of Rads last up to 6 months. then when I am ready, my plastic surgeon will perform my full reconstruction if I want, using tissue from my tummy. we all have choices, and we do have time to look at the pros and cons of each of the treatments being offered.

all the best Jenny

Hiya Im Caroline, my first time (hope this is right place) tho Ive been looking for days you all so brave. I was diagnosed with dcis at beg Nov. Had surgery to remove cancer 2 weeks ago. Wating for results Wed hoping for clear perimitors if not, consultant advised mastectomy and reconstruction then radiotherapy. Just feel like its not happening to me and block out when children and hubby around, but when on my own like now, im in bits and scared. It’s comforting to know you all out there going through similar.

Hello Caroline

Welcome to the forums, you’ve come to the right place for support as the users of this site have a wealth of knowledge between them.
In the meantime you may find it useful to contact our free helpline on 0808 800 6000, opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 - 2.00.

Best wishes
June, moderator

Hi Caroline, good luck for Wednesday, I’ll be thinking of you. Please let us know how you get on!

This is such a great place for being able to share how you really feel, and to be free to talk about bc as much as you need to - no matter how understanding family and friends are, I think we all put up a certain amount of ‘front’ so as not to either scare them or bore them… :wink:

I think blocking it out is a very common reaction, I know that I manage to find all sorts of other things to worry about so that I’m not focusing on what is actually happening to me, right now… so I do sympathise. Just accept that what you’re feeling is right for you… there is no black and white on how we react, and be kind to yourself when you do need to cry - there’s plenty of broad (and fairly waterproof) shoulders on here.


Sophie xx

Hi Caroline. I was diagnosed 09/11 and surgery tomorrow 01/12 for WLE and SNB. Absolutely beside myself and have had to give up smoking as Consultant said must give up at least48 hrs b4 surgery. Please continue to use this forum, even if you dont want to post anything, just knowing that others are feeling the same can be a great comfort and usualy some comments really can put a smile on your face! Ill be thinking of you on Wednesday and will have everything crossed.
Love Alison x

Alison & Sophie, thanks for your support. We have loads of snow here and schools closed so kids home and I’m blocking it out again… Just hope snow doesnt get in the way of my appointment 2moro. Dont think can wait any longer. Loads of luck for 2moro Alison xx

Hi Caroline
I only joined in on the forums 2 days ago so we are newbies together. I had lumpectomy 3 weeks ago and had my results last monday, unfortunately I have to have double mastectomy followed by reconstruction but no rads or chemo. It was more widespread in the breast than they thought, and near the margins.
I have been trying to put a brave face on things for the family (hubby and 2 boys aged 18 and 8, but have been struggling last 2 days - mainly cos I have to wait till january for the next surgery and i want it now …with a stamped foot1!!!
Good luck tomorrow - hopefully all will be clear. (in your boob and the snowy roads!)

take care
Nicola xx

good luck to you as well Alison :slight_smile:
love nicola xx