Diagnostic Mammogram and Ultrasound Tomorrow

I’m a bit nervous. Tomorrow morning I have an appointment for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. I have multiple small, hard lumps in my breast. When I went to my doctor for a breast exam she found another lump that she also wants checked. Of course I have to go alone because of the pandemic and I was told that I will have an idea of what they are tomorrow. I’m nervous and my husband doesn’t take me too seriously because I have health anxiety and always think I have a health issue. I am staying hopeful- of course I won’t know until they check the lumps and possibly biopsy, but I am getting more nervous the closer it gets. 

Hi NikiRose1 - Covid is making a stressful time even harder, but you won’t be alone at the appointment, we will all be with you holding your hand virtually. Make sure you tell the nurses and radiologists of your fear/anxiety and they will also give you extra support.

I can certainly relate to health anxiety, so don’t be hard on yourself, I think it’s much more common than perhaps we think. Maybe your husband is trying in his way to get you to relax - you might feel more anxious if he also started outwardly worrying. He may inside be worried, but is trying to help you get through this. Just a thought - as I think that’s what my husband does!!

I remember from your other post that your OB/GYN wasn’t concerned, so try to focus on those words - perhaps re-read your own message. Of course it is impossible not to worry, so I’m sending you strength and hugs for tomorrow. Evie xx