Diaognosed 2nd Feb

Hello All,
I’m finally posting after continually writing then deleating my post!! I’m 41 and have 5 children. I have 2 lumps, plus what is described as bits, grade 2. Have to have MRI scan on Tuesday and will be having surgery end of Feb. After the initial shock when I had the triple assessment on 24th Jan and being told what was thought, I was officially diagnosed 2nd Feb, I feel quite positve and feel quite focused, even though I have thousands of butterflies in my stomach. I know I’m going to have to have a mastectomy which I have accepted. I’ve been recommended to use the site (if I actually manage to post that is ha ha ). I don’t know what else to say! Sorry!

Hi Loopylass,
sorry to hear about ur diagnosis, dunno if u’v posted somewhere else or whether this post has just gotten lost on a busy site!
I was diagnosed on 1st Feb, i’m 38 with a 3 year old daughter.
U can get loads of help & info from the lovely people on this site, i hope u have posted somewhere else & ur questions are getting answered!!
good luck with everything,
love Chez. xx

Hi, I had 2 lumps, had masectomy, reconstruction, chemo, on tamoxifen, zoladex. Had one 19 month little girl when I was diagnosed. She is now 3 and a half. Happy to help with any questions, or anything you might want to talk about. Boo x

Hi Boo and Chezza72, Thank you for your comments, I didn’t post anywhwere else, you both sound really positive and I think that is definately the key. I am amazed that people go through so much, it is just taking things as they come and getting through it all for your family. I go for my treatment plan tomorrow, had my MRI almost 2 weeks ago and have already been told that the cancer hasn’t spread anywhere else other than being multiple lump in the left breast and looks as though one node affected. Have also been told that i’m 100% oestrogen positive and herceptin positive. Im amazed at the support I have received from friends and family and I hope that I can be support to others who are going through what we all are. Thank you so much xx Lisa

Hi Loopy, it looks like your first post fell through the gaps, the site gets busy and that sometimes happens. Sorry you were missed first time but well done Chezza for spotting it!

Like you I’m ER+ and HER2+ though I had WLE and SNB with clear nodes (phew!) so I haven’t got to deal with a mastectomy.

Best of luck with your treatment plan tomorrow. Whatever they throw at you, you’ll feel better for at least knowing what’s facing you re treatment, and then you can set about dealing with it.


Hi Loopy,
Sounds like we’re both in a similar situation at the moment!
I had my MRI scan on 8th Feb, i know i have DCIS & IDC, grade 2, & it’s looking like all nodes are clear after 2 needle biopsies.
I’ve been offered a mx with LD Flap reconstruction, which i will have in a ‘couple of weeks’, date not yet known! Which is the hard part - the waiting.
But i have my BCN coming out tomorrow to chat about the surgery & any other treatment - i think.
They’ve already told me they are taking their time with me cos of my age, they’ve been great to be fair, they seem to be really looking after me.
So am hopin i’ll have a lot more details after tmrw which may just make me feel a bit better.
Hope all goes well with you!
Love Chez. xx

Hi All

Treatment plan went well today, going to have a mastectomy with 2 nodes to be reomoved and then will have radiotheraphy. Get my surgery date tomorrow which will probably be within the next 10 days. Reconstruction will be after radiotheraphy, so all in all at least I know what is going to happen now and feel completely fine about it all, feel very positive and will just have to wait until it all starts happening now. Thank you Choccie Muffin for your comments, I did think that I hadn’t posted my first comment correctly ha ha. I hope everything goes well for you also. Please keep me informed. Lisa xx

In case you’re wondering why you don’t have an immediate reconstruction booked, the rads can affect whatever has been radiated and make it a bit stiff, so much better long-term results are achieved if you don’t radiate the reconstruction.

There are a good few threads about mastecomy, the different types of reconstructions and so on, so as you have a bit of time before recon is on the books you might want to do a bit of investigating when there isn’t any pressure on you to make up your mind. There’s also a little graphic-y thing on here somewhere that explains what the different procedures are, I suspect one of the mods will be along very soon to show you - they’re very good at spotting this kind of thing where we need a pointer or two!

Hey all,
Saw BCN yesterday, am havin my Mx & SNB on 7th March, not havin re-con, it’s been delayed until they get final path report, havin my pre-ops this Thursday.
Am feelin ok, pretty positive actually, will hate the 10 day wait for the results tho! (Another wait - i am the worlds most IMPATIENT person!)

I went back to work today, my boss has been fantastic, she’s lightened my workload & taken off the pressure, i had a lovely 1st day back, i’m planning a night out this Sat, a few colleagues & friends are coming, i haven’t been out since i had my lil girl (she’s 3!!) so i may be comin home early but i’m really lookin forward to it…am hopin no-one cries again tho, tears set ME off, i just wanna have some fun to look back on & laugh at when i’m havin a bad day!
So, better go & get myself some new pj’s & get a little bag together i think!
I am gonna go to bed now, i slept well last night, think it’s cos now i’ve got a date, i can at least plan the next 2 weeks childcare!

Lotsa love ladies
Chez. xx

Hi Chez

Think we are going through exactly same stage. My date is 22nd March, but that’s only a penciled in date to give to me as they await more theatre spaces, so they going to do their best to get me a date sooner.

Hope you have a brilliant night out, 3 years is a very long time! I find myself telling my friends and family not to cry, but it’s their way of coping and dealing with it, I always laugh and say don’t cry don’t cry, then they apologise ha ha its quiet a funny moment I think coz they say ‘can’t believe your being so strong and not crying’, my sister sat staring at me when I said I was to have a Mastectomy and I wasn’t crying!! I keep explaining it’s my life, reconstruction can be done, so as long as the cancer is gone i’m really not worried about losing a boob.

It is amazing how positive you actually do become when you put everything in to perspective, it is just the waiting!!!

Anyway let us know how your night out went and your pre-op,

love Lisa xx

Hey all,

WOW! My BCN was FAB today, i got to hospital for my pre-op assessment at 9.40am & was out by 10.30am! She managed to get me in & out of there in no time, everything done, so - ready to go now!

I’ve been back in work all week & it’s done me the world of good, think i needed it to keep me sane!

One week left then it’s op time.

So i think keeping busy is the way to go til then.

Hope everyone on here is doin ok?

Chez. xxx

Hi Chez you sound really great,

It’s really good you back at work and your getting loads of support, this week will fly by!

Has your BCN said how long you will probably be in for?

Think I will want to stay in as long as I can due to hectic household ha ha.

Hope you’ve started to pack your bag ha ha,

Love Lisa xx

Hi Lisa,

Well! “The Big Nite Out” was great fun!
I had an absolute ball!! After not going ‘out to town’ since my lil girl was born, it was just the funniest night ever!
I thoroughly recommend a blow out of some sorts with friends &/or family if you can manage it before your op!
Before we even met up for the evening, i’d BANNED ANYONE(!!) from crying or talkin bout anythin related to BC…
they listened to me bless &, it was a great nite & just what i needed!

This week i’ll be buying button down the front p.j’s & doing as much housework/ironing etc as i can before my op next Monday; am thinkin it’ll be less for my mum to do cos she’s off work next week so she can help/babysit etc but she’s back in the week after.
My BCN said i’d probably be able to go home on the Weds or, Thurs latest. Sounds good to me, i know i’ll just wanna get home.

So, tryin to keep busy again but i know it’s gonna hit me soon, prob towards the weekend as D-Day approaches.


I hope u are good? Any more news for you?

Take Care,
Chez. xx

Hi Chez

Sounds as if you’ve had a fantastic night out-good for you, it’s obviously given you the boost that you probably needed and you sound really bubbly and even more positive.

Im sure you have everything sorted now for when you go in hospital. Your appointment was very quick, iv’e heard nothing more but at least i know that im booked in, in 3 weeks time. It’s just the waiting this week has gone so slow.

I feel really really tired I don’t know if this is normal. I think it might be the waiting as I just want something to start happening.

Keep yourself bubbly and positive and let me know how you getting on with everything ok

take care

love Lisa xx

Hi Lisa,

yes ur right, the nite out gave me somethin to concentrate on last week, got the worst 2 pairs of pj’s u ever did see today(!), they only had button down one’s in peacocks (the area i work in is quite sparse on the shopping front!), anyway, just to hammer home how ‘young’ i am (thatz what the medical team keep tellin me), i will be wearing bright pink pj’s with garfield on them & bright blue one’s with cows on them, LOL!!!

oh well, it’s not really that important what i’m gonna be wearing, is it?!

as for the tiredness, i swear i’ve been feeling knackered for months now, have been wondering myself if it’s normal - i’ve been putting it down to working full time & being a single mum; even tho i only have 1 child, i don’t get much support from my parents or friends…mum will pick her up from nursery but that’s about it really.
No problem with that but yeah, this tiredness has been ongoing & most weekends i don’t feel like moving far from home & have been a bit…well, just doin what’s absolutely necessary actually - like food shopping etc.

i wonder if it’s part & parcel?
think i will ask my BCN.
have also been getting septic spots & pimples on my neck & chest - i haven’t had spots for years!
probably just coincidence but i keep thinkin every ache/pain/blemish etc has somethin to do with BC.

well, i am gonna go to bed, it’s been a long day & i am shattered.

keep smiling Lisa, it’s all u can do really, ur date will soon be here, just try & find somethin to concentrate on each day apart from ur diagnosis & treatment. take each day as it comes…that’s all i do.
think am on autopilot mostly tho.

take care, vitual hugs to you & keep in touch.

lotsa luv, Chez. xx

Hi Chez and Lisa

Wishing both of you all the best for the start of your treatment. It is almost 2 years to the day that it all started for me, and it is as clear as day. It can be a long road, depending on what treatment you need but you do get through it. As much as you would never wish this upon yourself or others, you do get to meet some amazing people through your journey, which you would otherwise not get to meet. I have found others optimism for life totally empowering.

I had a 19 month old baby when I had my mx/ LD reconstruction. My husband was great, and my Dad came and lived with us throughout my recovery and then through the chemo. It made a bad situation that much more bareable. I hope you both get the support you need for your treatment. Not sure what you are both having to have yet, you probably don’t know either at this stage.

Take every day as it comes, keep busy, and keep life as normal as possible. That is what is great about having little ones, they have a habit of doing this for you.

Happy to try and answer any questions you have about treatment etc. PJs sound good. Big loose, light weight PJs is what you need. Hospitals are hot places.

Best wishes and thoughts, Boo x

Thank u for ur message Boo,

Everyone on here has been so amazingly supportive, as u said, u wouldn’t wish it upon anyone but u are all so inspiring & thoughtful, i have raved about this website to everyone i meet, i couldn’t have got even this short distance without u all.
Lotsa love & hugs being sent ur way,
Chez. xx

Garfield and cows? Nothing wrong with Garfield and cows!

Hi Chez, Boo & Choccie Muffin

Was busy shopping in Matalan for hospital things yesterday, and the earlier appointment came through, another consultant has a slot for next week! After me accepting and putting the phone down me and my friend burst into tears, it was quite funny coz everyone was avoiding us!!! Got my pre-op this morn, then Tuesday im to meet the new consultant, have to go in hospital Wednesday for op on Thursday, this is now going to go so fast as yesterday morn I still had 3 weeks to wait! I can now finally pack my case this weekend. My husband has juggled our work around as we are self employed so that is an extra burden that can be passed to the side.

Twins goin to their Grandmas next weekend whilst my 11 year old will be looked after by my 21 year old!!! My 42nd birthday on Monday so the timings are perfect. Went to look for post surgery bras in Matalan yesterday, they didnt have a good selection of sizes, in fact they didnt have anything in my size, but Asda have some great non wired bras for only £4 and ive bought some sports bras.

So Mastectomy and 2-3 node removals next Thursday, got the butterflies back now.

If anyone has any advice about what is going to happen in hospital, please tell me as I need to get my head straight.

Thank you for your positively it certainly reflects back when I read your comments.

love Lisa xx

Hi Lisa

Trust me, it is good the op is sooner than later, less time to think more time to keep busy and get on with it. You really have your hands full with your children but at least some seem that they are older so can help out, and help you out too.

I didn’t have a straight masectomy, as I had a LD reconstruction in the same operation, which is where they take your back muscle and move it to the front. This takes much more recovery than a straight masectomy. I do know others who have had a straight masectomy and they say the recovery/ pain is a lot lot less.

Lymph node wise, are they doing a sentinal node biopsy on you? This is where they take 1-3 nodes out in surgery and check to see if they are clear. If they are they leave the rest in. If they are not they take more. I had this done. In surgery mine were clear, as they just cut the nodes in half and look. When they went to pathology they found micro mets in 3 out of 11. They took 11 as they had to to raise the flap for the reconstruction. This was quite a blow for me 10 days post op as I thought my nodes were all clear. Then I ended up going back in after the chemo to remove the rest.

The reason I waffle on about this is depending on how many nodes they remove, you will find it quite difficult to raise your arm up in the air. I had to work really hard over the weeks/ months after surgery to get full movement back. This may not affect you if you only have a couple taken out, or it might, I am not sure. What you need to make sure you have is clothes that you don’t have to pull over your head, eg cardigans, shirts, as putting your arm up is not an option for a bit!!

They will look after you well in hosital, and considering the amount of children you have I am sure you will enjoy the rest and peace and quiet. Take all pain killers on offer and don’t be brave and cut them down too soon.

Hope this helps,

Boo xx