Diet Recipe books recommendations

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations on some good diet/healthy eating recipe books for Breast Cancer patients with high Hormone receptive positive breast cancer on tamoxifen.

Especially some healthy dessert receipes. Xx

Hello. I freeze Greek yoghurt and add honey and cinnamon. This has become my ice cream. Found an excellent recipe online for pancakes made with eggs, brown flour and bananas. I also make my own flapjack - found olive oil better than coconut oil.


In terms of recipe books, I liked looking through Breast Cancer Cookbook and Royal Marsden Cancer Cookbook. Both on Amazon. Yet to actually follow a recipe but that’s how I cook! Kindle versions available


Hi @kat-jack

Melissa Merchant from Facebook has lots of recipes, including deserts. Chocolate cake made with sweet potatoes. Chocolate pudding made with avocado’s. When you stop eating sugar these recipes are a great substitute.
Joe Wicks carrot cake is a hit in our house, and I found a recipe for icing using cashew nuts. Its very tasty
Chris Beat cancer cookbook is good for all meals, juices and smoothies.
The living kitchen too from Amazon has alternatives for all meals and has some good recipes for during treatment including drinks.
When eating an all wholefood diet it is automatically slimming.
Cutting out bread and potatoes stops the belly from bloating.
Happy cooking


When I am looking for books on Amazon I look just under where it says which book it is and it will give you an option if any available of second hand books. Almost all the books I have bought were by this option and so far all the books I have purchased are like new. Whilst looking at one of the helpful “You may like these” pop ups from Amazon the Royal Marstan book was one of them I think it was £3 something but it can change as books are bought and new books brought in.
I have been buying books this way for years and saved a lot of money so might be worth a look.

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For healthy eating recipe books tailored for breast cancer patients, I recommend “The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen” by Rebecca Katz. It offers nutritious recipes that cater to specific health needs, including hormone-positive breast cancer. For desserts, “The Cancer Survivor’s Guide” by Neal Barnard includes some great healthy options. If you’re looking for more expert guidance, nutritional insights, and food preservation tips for your daily cooking needs, you might find very helpful. They provide top tips, in-depth guides, and they might be able to provide you with recepies specific to your condition.