Hi all
I’ve just completed my third FEC and have been rather disappointed to discover I’ve put on nearly a stone since DX in October. When I was diagonosed I was my fittest I’d ever been!
My question is would I be able to follow WeightWatchers whilst undergoing treatment?
Best wishes
Hi Sarah,
So sorry you have to join this ‘club no one wants to join’. When I started my chemo (well over two years ago) I was told to expect to put on some weight and not to worry because I could get it off again after treatment. I was lucky in that I only gained about half a stone, and was really surprised to read somewhere that the average weight gain was nearer two stone. That’s probably not much consolation, but it is likely that some of it at least is water retention and ‘chemo bloat’ caused by the steroids. I don’t think they are too keen on weight loss during treatment, but try to eat as healthy a diet as you can, with plenty of fresh fruit and veg as this will help you stay well. Also if possible try to get a walk every day as that will help your energy levels, and in turn make you feel better. Perversely drinking more water may help too. Sorry if this telling you how to suck eggs.
If you are really anxious about the weight gain, talk to your oncologist or BCN and see what they think about Weight Watchers.
Hi Sarah,
i am finish with treatment now and am one week into ww. 3.5lbs off! I have eaten the healthiest I have eaten since diagnosis this past week. I found that during and certainly after treatment I ate loads of ‘treats’. it was good old fashioned comfort eating and telling myself ‘i deserve it’.
I think that if you used ww as a way to up the fruit and veg and eat good foods then that’s all positive. i have enjoyed this week and not found it restrictive in anyway and still had treats. I am in the right frame of mind though. If you’re not really feeling it then I’d say don’t put added pressure on yourself. You can deal with any weight later. Do what feels right to you!
Good luck with the rest of your chemo xxxx