Diff Types of recon on each breast?

Hi everyone

In a dilema and wondered if anyone could help. Had mastectomy with LD flap and inplant last September (had to have flap due to previous radiotherapy) and loooking pretty good now and even though op and recovery time were long I don’t feel like I have lost much strength - just a bit of a lumpy back which my surgeon said he can sort out.

I am booked in for second mastectomy on 14 March (preventative) and if I want I can choose to keep the nipple and possibly just have implant under pec muscle with no flaps. My husband said if it was him he would keep the nipple and try with just an implant. I am quite happy for the nipple to go so that I will have 2 matching recon nipples and no chance of it coming back in the nipple.

I think if I have just an implant this time it may look different from the other side, apparantly not as realistic, scars in different places and more likely to fail?
I am quite happy for another ld flap and implant but my husband is really against this as he thinks it is too drastic - I feel it should be my decision but my surgeon wants us to decide together.

What does one do? Has anyone had different types of recon on each side and how does it look?

Also don’t know much about implants under pec muscles - what are peoples experiences of this?

Sorry for so many questions but my head is in a wirl plus feeling very sore after being inflated yesterday- can’t think straight at all !! He also mentioned capsualtion of existing implant which might have to be replaced later on in the year. Feeling really fed up - had 4 and half years of this and no end in site at the moment.

Thanks for your help

Sarah x x x

Hi Sarah,

I would be inclined to have the ld flap again, purely because I had bilateral recon using the ld flap and am well happy with the results, just awaiting my date for nipple recon. Personnally I tend to think if you keep the nipple there is a risk of the cancer returning, also you’re more likely of the two breasts looking the same with the same operation and reconstructed nipples.

Your husband is probably worried about the length of time the ld flap operation takes and the recovery time, I know my partner was beside himself during my op as it took approx 6 1/2 hours but I am so pleased with the results that I would recommend it to anyone.

Hope you make the right decision for you and all goes well, keep in touch and let us know


Hi Karen - Have you had 2 back muscles pulled round to the front? I haven’t found the first one too bad but am wondering if I can get away with not having another one moved? I have def decided to lose the other nipple though - don’t want to risk it coming back. I think my husband is worried about me losing another back muscle if I don’t have to.

Sarah x xx