Different type of cancer in each breast at same time

I was dx with IDC small (6mm) right breast in November and am recovering from ANC and awaiting chemo. In the mean time was recommended an MRI which showed something in my left breast. Got my biopsy result today and I now officiall have 2 different cancers. Right boob IDC with 2/25 lymphs affected. Left is tubular cancer for which I’m to have WLE/SNB before Chemo for IDC and then Rads for both sides but not at the same time.
Anyone else with a similar situation or am I just weird?

Oh milly molly, poor you!!
Hope you get some good replies (as opposed to my totaly useless one)
Barb xx

Oh Millymolly - am so sorry to hear that :frowning:
Sending big hugs - not much help I know BUT want you to know I care.
Lozza xxx
(poxy, s****ing BC! Grrrr!)

Millymolly so sorry to here that. Just doesn’t make much sense sometimes and the why me goes through your head so many times but at least it is found and being treated hut must have been such a shock. you probably haven’t thought about it as yet buts you probably qualify for genetic testing if you are interested especially if either are TN.

Wishing you all the best hope all goes well for you

Wendy x x

Hi Milly Molly
not exactly the same as you but I also was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer, lobular in the left and ductal in the right with lymph node involvement. It sort of feels doubly shocking, doesn’t it?
I’ve since had a mastectomy with immediate implant reconstruction on the left, WLE and axilliary clearance on the right, and 6 x FEC-T. Now waiting for radiotherapy (both sides) and 5 years of hormone treatment.
My oncologist tells me its reasonably uncommon, but not unheard of (I think about 5%). Most days now I feel used to it now, but it does feel like a double whammy doesn’t it?


Thanks Woodies. X
Wendy, I’m interested in this area of thought if only because of the ‘why me’ element. What is/are TN?
Louis - so sorry to hear your story but thank you so much for replying. I felt so alone.
I wanted mastectomy when they found the tubular on my left but they said there was no point as the right had already matastasised (sp) to 2 of my lymph nodes on the right. Still waiting to hear if there is lymph node involvement on left. Am waiting for Chemo anyway as right is ‘worse’!

Hi Millymolly

Both my tumours where Invasive Ductal Carcone this one is Triple negative for hormones and the one 14 years ago was negative but back then they did not know about HER2 so was no test for that. Apparently TN is more likely to be heredited.

undergoing tests at the minute - scarey stuff for my daughters .
Wendy x

Milly molly
sorry to hear that you are going through this crap.
im not quite the same but had Idc in one breast. I chose a bilateral mx to discover tht I had a large area of dcis in the other “good” breast that no one had picked up. (Bigger than 6cms)
good luck with yr treatment. You don’t say how old you are but especially if yr a younger lady teeny may offer you genetic testing

Hi Wendy and Mandy,
Thank you both for your answers. I don’t think they will offer genetic thing because I’m 52 and have no daughters. Also, now that I’ve read a bit more about it I believe the cancers are both IDC. The first one is no specific type where as the most recent is tubuler.
I’m going to err on the cautious side and remind my grown up boys to be vigilant 'cos I have read that some genetic linked breast cancers can result in higher rist of prostate cancer in men.
Good luck with the results Wendy

Hi misty Molly,
i am sorry to hear you have a second BC. And no you are not weird. I hope the chemo will deal with both of the bc’s - two birds with one stone :slight_smile:
I have had two bc’s - though not discovered so quickly after each other - my second diagnosis was within 5 months of finishing treatment for the first one. I think t is very rare. But however e rare, I still had to deal with the shock and the second lot of treatment. They called the second one a new primary - it was ductal like the first one, but different in other ways. Weird isn’t it. I had chemo, surgery and radio the first time, and for the second one surgery and radio and then letrozole.
it is hard to deal with one BC, and then to find you have one on the other side too is very tough. You will get through this. Take small steps at the time.

wishing you the very best


Hi Milly Molly
Just read your post. I was in the same position as you 3 years ago. Found a lump in left breast and was booked in for WLE and Rads, they decided to do an MRI and discovered that because of the position of the lump and size it would be better to have MX and also discovered tiny tumour in right breast. So I had MX left breast with immediate reconstruction and WLE right breast at the same time. Followed by chemo and rads to right breast. I know just how you’re feeling as I was just coming to terms with one diagnosis when wham there was a second! At the time I was devastated and wishing I hadn’t had the MRI, but they told me that the second cancer might not have been picked up for another 6 months, so in a way it was a blessing that they found it and were able to do all the surgery at once. I’m on Tamoxifen which has it’s side effects but that’s a small price to pay for still being here!
If I can answer any questions please feel free to ask.
Beverley xx