Difficulty in taking a full breath from right lung

Please, Please, Please can someone help me. I had BC Diagnosed June 2010, mastectomy in July, Chemo in August(very ill)couldnt finish course, radiotherapy (badly burnt)in early December and heceptin early January (supposed to last a year with 12 sessions). Taking Tamoxifen from late December. Up till 2nd dose of Heceptin felt great, no problems suddenly woke up one morning with a tight chest and difficulty breathing from the right lung. Had all tests done everything has come up clear. ???.
When in a horizontal position e.g. bed, no issues. As soon as i get up difficulty starts again. This is debilitating and is getting me down. Can anyone help??? I do have a tickle in my throat and every few minutes i have to clear it. Feels cold on the inside of my chest wall from yesterday. Up till now had no cold or any infection.
Would welcome any feedback. Thankyou

Sorry can’t really help but bbumping this post so hopefully someone who can will notice it.
I think I’d go back to my GP if it were me. Try ringing the helpline tomorrow,they might be able to help. You say the tests came back ok so that sounds hopeful,so try not to worry too much, did you have chest x-ray or ct? It could be an infection starting and antibiotics might help so do seek more medical advice.
I do hope things resolve soon, let us know how you get on.Good luck, best wishes, Julie

Whilst I was having Herceptin I used to notice that for the first week I had problems breathing and my asthma seemed much worse. I mentioned this to the nurse. She had heard of it before. It never got so bad that I culd cope, but was just uncomfortable.


I’m in the middle of my chemo. But in February I suffered the breathless symptoms and pain in my right lung area. The pain was so bad I had to go to A&E. After a ct scan they found I had multiple pulmonary embolisms in both lungs. I now have to inject Tinzaparin daily to keep them at bay and prevent further ones forming.

As someone previously asked, have you had a ct scan? It would be useful for you. I believe the PEs can be a side effect of the chemo.

All the best
Deb x