I had a lumpectomy 8 weeks ago and the scar was very neat and straight and smooth. I then developed a haemotoma and four weeks after the first operation it had to be cleaned out. The resulting double scar is very lumpy and there is a distinct indentation which changes the whole shape of my breast. I wonder whether this would have been the case if I hadn’t had to have the second cut. The breast is definitely smaller than the other one now. Should I go back to the surgeon and express my concern. Would it be possible to have reconstructive surgery?
Hi Ayejaye
Whilst you are waiting for the other users to reply with their experiences and knowledge you might find it helpful to talk your questions through with a member of staff on the BCC helpline. Here you will be able to share your concerns with someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
Hi Ayejaye
I too had a lumpectomy, with the whole areola nipple complex removed. At first I thought I wouldn’t be bothered about how I looked, but 2 months later and it already upsets me a lot. I saw my new breast surgeon a week ago and asked him if I will always look this way, and he said absolutely not - he said they won’t do anything until a year after radiotherapy (as that is likely to change the breast size or shape again) but then they will sort it out. He said I can have both breasts reduced if I wish, have a nipple reconstructed, whatever will make me more comfortable. He said he will make me beautiful again - although he’ll have a job on his hands as I wasn’t that to start with!
Please talk to your team about it. I am sure they will be able to help. Maybe not straight away but I know it made me feel better just to know it won’t always be this way.
Good luck.
Hey Ayejaye I had 2 tries with the lumpectomy without success. Was left with an indentation on my right breast which I wasn’t happy about. Since then I had a mastectomy , and an implant put in, which does make the breast look a bit better. Also had an implant (half a one I think) put in my left breast so they look similar in size now. Also had a nipple reconstruction which I am please with, now I’m on my 5th session of tattooing at the royal free. Speak to your surgeon or your Macmillan nurse. If your not happy please speak to someone, at the end of the day it’s your body, you have to look at it every day. My surgeon, Macmillan nurse were fantastic any upset I had I voiced it, and they listened and sorted me out. It’s taken me a year and a bit to actually look at my breast and be comfortable with it. Good luck, be positive. You’ll be fine.
Hi AyeJaye,
Your post could have been written by me! I too had a ‘Mega’ haematoma - surgeons words, I had it removed surgicaly when I had to have my second op to have lymph node clearance. My scar is now about 1cm deep, I can actually prise the edges apart and look into the caven. I have to use a cottom bud to dry in it after a shower to keep infection at bay (having chemo at the moment you see).
I will not be happy like this long term, they removed 8.5cm x 8.5cm x 3cm from my 34E boob - how can that not affect my appearance?
I have not been as brave as you about asking about my boob’s future, but will be - just need to focus on chemo at the moment.
I too have heard that rads can have a big effect on the appearance of the boob over 12 months.
I am concerned that my only option will be reduction to my healthy boob - which I am TOTALLY not up for at all.
Keep us posted and good luck with your treatment.
Love Su
Hi all,
Thankfully my surgeon did a really neat job (despite the warning that I may be indented and then jut out like a skijump) and no infections etc however I am badly lopsided and yet to find a prosthesis which doesn’t leave indentations or cause bad itching after only an hour or two. That means I can’t wear the type of bra needed to support the larger side.
While having gone through this it seems horrendous to consider further surgery to reduce the larger side I am beginning to understand why women do. Just being able to wear a moderately fitted top for a few hours seems like such a joy but still a fair way off given prosthesis hurdles. One fitter reckons I may be allergic to silicone…
Not sure where I’m going with this post bar I hear you!