do I have bone mets?

Hi all,

Got stage 1 bc over two years ago and have been back for regular checks. I’m really petrified as I’ve had a really sore hip, thigh and knee over summer. Going for blood tests on Monday and am petrified…Is it possible to go from stage 1 bc to bone mets??

What are the first symptoms of bone mets? I’m finding it really sore to walk and going upstairs. I’m so scared.

Hi anemone,

I think if every one of us with bone mets answered that question you would get as many different answers. My bone mets diagnosed 6 years ago came without any warning and was extensive. But the symptoms you describe can be down to so many other things as well. Because you have had breast cancer it is really wise to get these things checked out and hopefully eliminate bone mets. Good luck for Monday.


Hi dawnhc,

this is the first time i’ve spoken on a forum and it’s so nice and comforting to see that I’m not the only one going mad with worry - I’m Scottish and live in Switzerland and sometimes feel a wee bit lonely! .It’s so good to talk to English speakers for a change.

There isn’t really any reason for me to worry as all tests have been good since op and radiotherapy. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thanks so much and have a good weekend,


I have no idea (and hopefully never will) but when I was getting fitted for a new pair of walking boots last week the lady told me I have a slightly fallen arch… really I said what kind of effects does that cause… the response.

Hip pain, knee pain and general aches and pain in the leg… who can tell what causes what with our complex bodies but second what everyone else says and get it checked. Hopefully it’s nothing serious and maybe you want to go get your feet checked for pronation etc if it is not cancer related.

Hope this helps.


Hi all - good thought Vertangie

A bit off subject, I know, but I had knee and back pain for years until an enlightened physio suggested I wear orthotics (in the form of arch supports in my shoes) to counteract my over pronation. Bliss. No more knee pain, greatly reduced back pain, can walk for miles without feet aching.

You can buy orthotics in Boots (and over the internet). They are made by a company called ‘Orthaheel’. The slimfit ones seem to be best for ladies shoes and can be held in place with Velcro, the regular ones are ideal for hiking boots and builders. Even if you don’t have pronation problems, they are very good if you are are on your feet a lot during the day.

Here’s hoping that everyone’s sore joints are down to something simple like this.



Hi Anemone

I can’t help with the pain because I am still going through my chemo for primary. However I can understand how you feel, I’ve suffered a pain in my ribs since having chemo 2, and despite having lots of checks which have been clear, I still have the uncomfortable feeling in my ribs which can only be explained by the infection/abscess I’ve been suffering to the wound in the breast. I think what the girls have said is possibly worth checking out, along with blood tests etc. Good luck with it and let us know how it goes.

I also understand completely about needing to talk in English - I live in France and have managed to find a support group which is English, have you explored that option to see if there is one in Switzerland? Anyway, coming on this site is therapy in itself.

Hi to all and have a good weekend


I’ve noticed that the chemo has made me puffy (the steroids I think again) and this seems to put pressure around my surgical area and makes my armpits feel tender etc. I’ve not worried about it because I’m getting identical symptoms on both sides (I had node sampling on both sides too) so unless both tumours have decided to spread in exactly the same way it’s almost certainly *just* chemo in my case…

Oh how I can’t wait for the last of the chemo side effects to pass this time.

HTH and enjoy sunny blighty those of you in the UK (where there is some sun today at last)


Hi there anemone…I agree with Dawn, yes it’s possible to develop bone mets at stage one but are you having any hormonal treatments at all? I was diagnosed with bone mets in 2003 but the pain and stiffness I used to get came from Tamoxifen and Arimidex not bone mets…I still have no pain from my bone mets. I hope all will be well for you…xx

Hi Anenome

To be honest knee and thigh are very unlikely to be bone mets - thats not that i think the hip is anything- but bone mets are almost always in the mddle of the body - ribs, shoulder, spine and hips. You are definitely doing the right thing checking it out if it is persisting - you will never have peace of mind until you do that. Belinda could well be right about the hormonal treatements…

good luck

PS i had bone mets diagnosed in November 07 - and had no idea at all I had them

Katherine - I always thougth that too, but recently a friend was dx with mets and her bone mets were in the thigh. I believe that it can sometimes affect the longbones as well though it is less common.


Goodness me - i really didn’t know that could happen…less likely - but yet again I am surprised with this disease…


Hi again…I was told below the elbow and below the knee were unlikely places for bone mets…although I do know someone who has bone mets below the knee!..yes it can effect the long bones though.

Hi I am glad you are getting it checked out. I had symptoms for my bone mets way before I found the lump in my breast. All the women in my family have hip problems so I just thought it was arthritis.It was a pain which seemed to come and go and was especially worse when my period was due. I was shocked to find out it was mets
I am wishing you all the best for your results
xx Jools

I’m sitting here waiting for my results to be phoned through!! God i’m so nervous!!
Julie X

Sorry I posted this on the wrong one. God, I’m more nervous than i thought!!! Sorry
Julie X