Thank you. Waiting my turn for theatre x
Come back on later and let us know how you’re feeling hope it all goes well xxx
I will do. I know each experience is a step forward but also sharing helps us all. I appreciate all i have read on here too. Hopefully wont be too long now. Starving!
Wishing you all the very best.
Hope it all went ok today xx
Hi, I have a further Q! So obviously I was told I had cancer on Tuesday. They told me it was grade 2, pr + and er + but awaiting HER.
I have been given appts on 10th oct for mri and stereo core biopsy, 21st oct for reconstruction options and 22nd October back to consultant once all test results back.
But today I had a call from hospital asking me to see consultant sooner on 15th. Secretary said she knew I was waiting on some test results and wanted to see me sooner so I wasn’t waiting too long. I said I really didn’t mind waiting until 22nd as surely mri and second biopsy would not be back by 15th and to be honest had already been told it was mastectomy and chemo so not sure it could be much worse. She just repeated she’s like to see me on 15th. Consultant is on leave this week so can’t get anything more specific than that. I can only assume the HER result is back or something seen in bloods as they were only tests we were waiting for previously. Anyone have ANY ideas on why they would bring it all forward - it’s really stressed me out this evening!
It may be something simple like targets. For instance, patients on cancer pathways have to be given diagnosis and treated within certain timeframes and if your results are back, not only is it better patient care to see you asap, it’s also good to fill appointments and then free up later ones for new patients to be seen.
I was brought forward a few times but they did pre warn me-if we are able to see you earlier then we’ll call you…
Fingers crossed, it’s nothing more than that
Thank you, kind of related but I live in rural Cornwall. My nearest hospital (where I have been so far) is 1 hr drive each way (significantly longer on buses) and some of my upcoming appointment are at another hospital which is 1.5 hr away each way. These two hospitals are where all my treatment will take place. I’m very lucky being a teacher with good sick pay so I won’t lose income initially but I don’t know how I can afford the diesel and parking for the constant trips on top of everything else. It’s £30 a time. Does anyone know if there is anywhere I can look into financial support for this?
I can’t help re cost of petrol but a lot of hospitals give parking permits for patients undergoing cancer treatment so be sure to ask next time you go. I also travel an hour to my hospital and the parking permit has made a big difference as having to go twice a week for bloods/picc line flush and then for chemo.
I also had an appointment moved forward by several weeks and panicked as to why, but it worked out as it just meant everything started sooner and less waiting around. I was also borderline on initial HER2 test so they had to send off for FISH and it came back positive. If you’re worried about why appointment has been moved, have a chat with your BCN. They may be able to put your mind at ease.
I got free parking for radiotherapy treatment, just had to log in my car registration at reception desk each visit. It made a huge difference because the first time I didn’t know I could drive straight out & went to the machine which charged me £6.
You could speak to MacMillan for financial advice . I also did not have to pay for parking for radiotherapy appointments - the system was that you take a ticket and pay before leaving but Reception gave a pass on the first day and I waved it at the Security guard who opened the barrier . Some hospitals also offer transport if you’re struggling . One lady at my support group had a volunteer driver - just like having a taxi but she didn’t have to pay him.
You live in a beautiful part of the world - I had an auntie and uncle there who have sadly passed away now but yes I can imagine the transport system is pretty rubbish . I’m in a semi - rural area and it’s not good here. I was fortunate to be able to stay with family when I had my appointments or it would have been 2 hours for radiotherapy and it was a good hour for my other appointments.
Hello Im back! Sorry for delay in catching up. I did not respond well with anaesthetic and caused them some trouble waking up. Got home at 10pm last night. Slept well surrounded by pillows , bit groggy and sore today. Was sent home with co-codamol but paracetamol is enough.
Yesterday was a very long day. Arrived at hospital at 7am, had radioactive dye in for sentinel node imaging at 9am. This was by far the most painful procedure so far but also not that bad on the scale of things. They injected right next to the nipple to create pressure and then i had to rub it in a circular motion to make it disperse towards the nodes. Pressure went off as soon as i massaged it. All took about 20 minutes.
I went to theatre at 2 and next thing I knew I was in recovery and it was after 5o clock and they had been trying to wake me for a while. I wouldn’t stay awake and threw up. Seems anaesthetics aren’t my thing.
Surgeon came and told me it all went well and that’s all I remember.
Before going to theatre I was examined and drawn on and incision options were discussed. It was a long wait. Another woman was there to have more removed 4 weeks since her last op so that does happen. Just lounging in bed today and have done my exercises and will do again. If i walk around its ok but more sore. I can be very comfortable in bed propped up.
On Friday i see the breast nurse just to chat and have a look. A week later i see the surgeon for results and full dressing removal. I bought M&S surgery support bras and they are excellent. I have to wear it solidly 24hrs.
Its a relief it’s done. I feel like its all over even though its not yet.
Hope you’re ok. Try to live by today. There will definitely be charities who will help with transport but there is also hospital transport Available. Xx
[Mod note: Scan removed as per our photography guidelines]
The photo, which hopefully comes through is the tumour with the initial tag in and the seed which was added on Tuesday to help them find the tumour. I asked the surgeon and apparently the tumour looks like the normal breast tissue to the naked eye.
Dear Square-boob,
Well done for getting this far with your surgery, take good care, lots of rest, good food and be kind to yourself.
Wishing you health and happiness going forward,
With the biggest hugs Tili
Glad you made it home and feeling not too bad today by the sound of it - hope you continue to get well and best of luck for your results xx
Just starting on this breast cancer journey, had a mammogram and ultrasound, biopsy of lymph as one node looked slightly thickened. Been told its cancer 28mm tumour, can’t get my head around it, Awaiting results of biopsy this week, really worried about heat rash on back directly behind tumour as this might mean its spread…
Hello Hucky345,
Sorry you are going through this, it is a terrifying bloody rollercoaster at the best of times. One of the most important things I’ve learnt so far is that nothing is certain - you can’t predict ANYTHING and it is exhausting, frustrating and a waste of precious time trying to. But of course it’s almost impossible not to!
I’ve had appointments where I’ve felt convinced the news was going to be really, really bad, when it wasn’t at all. Likewise, there have been times when I thought everything was going to plan only to be thrown a curve ball that left me floored. But you deal with it, and keep going. It’s completely natural to immediately expect the worse…but it ABSOLUTELY doesn’t have to be, and most of the time it ABSOLUTELY isn’t! You will get through this. It DOES get easier when you get a plan. Remember to breathe. You have got this. Sending you big strength and positive vibes. Keep strong xx
Hi Morion24
Thanks for your reply, had a bad day yesterday. Just waiting for the results of biopsy and to find out the plan for treatment tomorrow. The waoting is emotionally challenging but Im envouraged by your honest words and encouragement. Thanks
Good luck tomorrow, I really hope you get good news……if it isn’t the news you want remember that it will simply mean a diversion, or added leg to your journey with ultimately the same destination. Do let me know how you get on. Will be thinking of you xx
Hi Morion24
Had biopsy results which confirm stage 1 grade 2 triple negative tumour, lymph node clear. Awaiting CT and MRI. So scared that there’s more cancer still to be found. Need to have 5-6 months chemo then lumpectomy. Expecting appt with oncologists next week, all becoming very real, im holding onto the fact that stage 1
Hi Hucky345,
So the first horrible waiting period is over and you’ve now got a plan which is good. And yes, absolutely, stage 1 is excellent news, as is lumph node clear. Hold on to that for sure! How many nodes did they biopsy?
I would view further scans/MRI as positive, just another level of vigilance…I think I am right in saying not all trusts offer this at this point, so a definite plus.
I’ve found reading/researching as much as I can on diet, nutrition, supplements, alternative therapies and off label drugs enormously helpful…it’s given me bit of control back. I know not everyone will be interested in this, but do let me know if you are and I can point you in the right direction. I know exactly how you are feeling right now… it’s such a RUBBISH place to be, but thousands of women have beaten this and there’s no reason why you can’t be one of them too! Sending a big virtual hug xx