Docetaxel help please!!

love to you shar hope you are well too
Lizz xx

Thank you Liz, how are u on tax, do u have rads, i had rads and skin healed so well, just now my nails started to go… Shar x

I am bumping this for me!

Had my first Docetaxel on Wednesday and really thought I would be okay. But for the past two days I have been practically bedridden with aches and pains just about everywhere - even my teeth hurt. My fingers feel like they have been shut in a car door and even typing on the keyboard is hurting!

I’ve taken pain killers, my temperature is fine but the I have no energy at all. This is day 4 - when am I likely to feel any better or is this going to get worse?

Hi Supertrouper and all other Tax sufferers. I had my second dose two weeks ago and woke up day 4 SINGING! Yes, I actually felt like singing and noticed music again. This time I have coped better & knew what to expect. Shooting pains didn’t happen this time but had terrible mouth and throat ulcers, plus felt generally bleugh. My tongue went almost white and that scared me a bit - thought it might choke me in my sleep! I think I am unlucky with the throat and mouth thing and don’t think it affects everyone. Didn’t help that I forgot not to eat citrus and had a few quarters of an orange. This went on for around 12 days with odd days in between feeling okish. Day 10 was worst, actually felt sick too but had an anti sickness pill and that did it. This time (I’m end week 2) have felt close to normal and even pre-DX normal these past 4 days!

The first one was quite awful, plus my neuts crashed and I ended up in hospital but I got over it well enough. The pains will subside after GSF injections but mine were taken over by very sore throat and mouth so eating was painful, taste was horrible, noticed bloody scab in my right nostril, left eye twitched like mad and had sensitive hands and feet. This lasted for around 10 days. After that I started to gradually feel normal again - but it did knock me for six! Only one left to go - yay! So far still have hair tho very thin, nails seem ok, put on a little bit weight. Mouth ulcers healing nicely and my head is clearing (was so out of it). About to enter week 3 and am feeling pretty energetic one day then rest the following day,and get last dose on Friday, gulp! Supertrouper you will gradually feel better and shrug it all off after about day 12. I know it sounds like a long way but you will be fine, just listen to your body, eat and sleep when you feel like it and try to get out for some fresh air and a little walk, it helps to get it thru then out your system. I drank loads of water and juiced carrots, apples and pears. All the best. Bella

Similar to Happy Carrot - but have almost forgotten about it already!Horrible taste was probaby the worst for me but that has gone now as well. Finished rads about 2 months ago and they were fine .
Hi Shar ---- Glad to see you have done so well too- seems so long ago now we were just starting and so apprehensive! Onward and Upward!
Margaret x x x

Big Bump!

Apolgies for joining this late on in my treatment but I’m here now! Just to say that I had my last chemo a fortnight ago. I started with 3 FECs followed by 3 Docetaxels and I know which of the 2 I prefer!!! OK - the FEC made my veins collapse so that I now have a sub-cutaneous port inserted as I am on Herceptin for a year, and I was sick on the 1st evening after FECs 1 & 2, and it did give me a headache, but compared to the ‘Dreaded Docetaxel’ FEC is a doddle. As I said, I am now 2 weeks after my last Docetaxel and the dreaded chemo gremlins are still hanging on in there! I have swollen ankles due to fluid retention which is making my legs ache and feel like lead weights, I feel and look like a barrage balloon, and my feet and fingers tingle like mad. I feel worse now than I did after each of my docetaxel doses, and my chemo nurse said that this is often the case with residual chemo effects hanging around for 6 to 8 weeks after the last chemo dose. My hair is beginning to grow back, albeit fuzzy so that I look like a ‘fuzzy-wuzzy’ badger! I will never, ever complain about having a bad-hair day again!!! However, my eyebrows seem determined to continue to disappear going the same way as my eyelashes. Who is this stranger that is inhabiting my body?

I start my radiotherapy on November 17th and am due to have 15 sessions, the last being on December 7th so at least I can look forward to all my treatment (other than the herceptin which is not chemo) being over so that I can finish 2011, my ‘Annus Horribils’ and start 2012 without the NHS pulling the strings!

All I can say is that at my very first appointment with my Oncologist way back in June I was told that the chemotherapy treatment I was going to receive was referred to by the initials of the drugs in question – FEC-T. For those of you who are fans of Father Ted I would say that never was a treatment so aptly named!

Hi, I’m new on here but just thought I would share my experience. I’m coming up to my third and last Taxotere after having had three FEC. I came through the FEC OK with just the normal side effects such as nausea, sickness and mouth ulcers etc but nothing too serious. I was nervous about Docetaxel (or Taxotere as I thought of it) and with some reason! The first week to eight days of the first session were horrible. I had a bit of an allergic reaction but felt like something from the film Alien. I couldn’t even pin down how I felt. Flu layered with sickness, total loss of appetite with nothing tasting nice. I’d always yearned to lose my appetite but definitely not like this! The whole thing was made worse because I had no idea how long it would go on for. As it was, on day eight I suddenly felt better and went out for a long walk. Felt much, much better afterwards and only had a severe bout of the runs to contend with. I think the Alien left my body then and I have to say I felt pretty good right up to the next one. At the time I thought I really couldn’t do it again but I did and now know that there is an end and just want to get the last one over with on Thursday - hooray! Hope that this helps. BBB.

Hi El Katrano, re the cutlery… my friend bought me some as she had heard it might help with chemo - I actually laughed at first but then had a strong metallic taste from FEC and noticed that it was even harder to eat foods with metal cutlery! I just put the fork in my mouth and it sent my teeth on edge. I swapped for plastic cutlery (which was kind of fun too!) and stronger flavours in my food like garlic/curry, and that did the trick for a few days xx

Am I pleased to hear there may be light at the end of the tunnel! I started with diarrhoea the night of my first Docetaxal, and, like you, had been relatively good on FEC. I’ve been put on tablets and mouthwash for oral thrush but have thrown up after the mouthwash twice. Today is my day7 so really hoping I’m the same as you and things pick up tomorrow. My tongue is green and I’ve never felt so minging in all my life! I have aches and pains and bugger all energy. You’ve given me hope, I may be able to take the dog out tomorrow! Thank you x


I wonder if anyone can tell me if this has happened to them and if so what treatment did you eventually receive? 

I had two rounds of herceptin,pertuzamab,dozataxol, and charboplatin. Following the first round I developed neutropenic sepsis so the dozataxol was reduced by 25%. However I suffered almost as badly in the second round so the dozataxol was discontinued. I finished my third round of the other three drugs 7days ago and intially thought I’d done well until day 4 when I the nausea started, I was on Emend so thankfully didn’t vomit but despite also being on ondasterone I had terrible diarrhoea, thrush (despite taking prophylactic nystatin) and felt  just awful. Today is day 7 and I’m just about coming back to a semblance of normality, managing very small amounts of diet. 

Has anyone had similar and has anyone just been given herceptin and pertuzamab as a result? Encouragingly my tumour as responded well to the targeted drugs and shrunk to the point of being unpalpable. My surgery is planned for September after 6 rounds of treatment.

thanks to anyone who responds

Hi there

Ive had 3 cycles of docetaxel and its been hell. The first two had full doses but had a lower dose for the next ones.havent felt much difference.had all sorts of side effects.aching exhaustion.sore eyes.constipation.just horrid.the exhaustion is so debilitating.i have slight angina so got to monitor my heart.

Hi system,
I am so sorry you are having such a hard time on docataxel. I also found this chemo very difficult. Day 3 was the worst for me. Your side effects do sound to be on the severe side of the spectrum. Sending a large dose of empathy.