Im 36 and have found a lump around the suze of a strawberry in my left breast…its also biggerand perkier…my nipple is flaking and scaley…i have a second cousin who passed away from breast cancer around 15 years ago…i have an appt next tuesday but am worried il be wastinv their time or worse still it it something awful…i get married in a year and im absolustly terrified…my fiance is aware and very supportive but this worry is taking over my life…i think iv had these symptoms for over a year but have put it to the back of my mind…im extremly tired all the time with a general feeling of unwellness that i cant pinpoint…i just dont have a good feeling about it
Hi Vanessa,
Oh dear, it’s all rather frightening, isn’t it?! You’re bound to be feeling nervous, it’s a natural thing to be scared of the unknown! You are absolutely doing the right thing by getting checked out and are definitely not wasting anyone’s time.
It’s no wonder that you are not feeling quite right, all the stress and worry will start to have an effect on you after a while, and you have a wedding to plan, too!
It may well turn out to be nothing sinister, you can’t really tell your self so that’s why you will have a good check over, your health professionals will do what is necessary to find out what it is. Tell them how you have been feeling unwell but I do think that is probably due to your mind working overtime with all sorts or scary thoughts!
Let it us know how you get on next week, there are a few boards fo the different stages the ladies are at. Try and avoid general Googling, too much information at this stage isn’t really helpful.
Amanda x
Thankyou for the reply, im trying just to forget about it for the next few days, and not obsessivly keep prodding myself and thinking the worst x
So i had my appointment,she sounded concerned a found the lump without me showing her.she also pointed out an indentation that i hadnt even noticed yet…been referred to breast clinic…now the waiting game…was completly expecting doc to say it was nothing…she said its size/shape of a braz nut and immobile??.not that i know if thats good or bad?? X
Hi amanda
I have appt on the 8th at breast clinic for the tests you mentioned above and will get results the same day…theyve said to allow 3-5 hours for testing…is that normal? Hope you are feeling as well as you can this morning x
Thankyou again to both of you…just recieved all the info in the post…bit confused about the no deodrant and talc bit? Im actually not dreading the appt anymore…just want to know either way now x
So i had my appointment at breast clinic…doc confirmed lump was “not normal” in and out in 20 mins…said lymphs all felt fine…lump 3-4mm(was looking at pc screen as he wrote notes as he didnt tell me that)…back today at 3pm for mammogram and ultrasound and back again for biopsies if need be…got everything crossed x
Thankyou…i hope whatever situation you are in you are holding up ok x
Radiologist said is a lymph node…i wasnt aware you had them in breasts…she said i must have been ill and caused it to become enlarged…she didnt show me or even speak of my mammogram imaging…not 100% with what she said…it doesnt hurt and doesnt move…even though she tried to tell me “it must be tender” .
Not sure what to do now…do i accept this abs move on or push for second oipinion
She also said nodes only swell for a coupke of weeks…iv had this lump since june!
Hi Vanessa,
I think there’s a possibility that I may have the same, as my lump is at the site of a couple lymph nodes (left upper quarter, just near the breastbone). I’ve had swollen lymphnodes in the groin for 1,5 years now, and doctors kept telling me the same as they told you- ‘normal for a couple of weeks’ etc, but they don’t hurt when you touch them, are firm, don’t move, and have been swollen far too long. Now that I have a lump in my boob I got a referral for this one, but I was hoping that they’d check it at the clinic even in case it is ‘just’ a swollen lymphnode and also listen when I tell them about the others. Still waiting for the appointment.
If they’d tell me it’s nothing but a swollen lymphnode now, I’d start to push for second opinion, biopsy, whatever. Not getting any answer is not getting any answer…and a lymphnode that is swollen for a long time is not an answer but a further question. Not to say it is something bad, but for getting your mind at rest, have you decided to insist? If you have a good and cooperative gp, could they maybe refer you to another clinic/unit to have it checked?
I spoke with the clinic last week and she confirmed the findings will be discussed with 2 other doctors thank goodness but 2-5 weeks for results or call back x