Can anyone offer me advive please? I had mastectomy last Friday (7th), drains came out Monday as little leakage, dressings on scar came off Weds. I had a dressing on drain holes but they are still leaking. Is this normal? It is leaking through the dressing but not running down my body or anything. If it were a normal cut it would need stiches or steri-strips but is it better to just let it leak rather than let it accumulate inside my body? Sorry to be so graphic girls!
Hi Gill
Please feel free to call our helpline which is staffed by specialist breast care nurses who will be able to offer you information and advice about your query.
The number is 0808 800 6000 and is open 9am-2pm today and 9am-5pm Mon-Fri.
Best wishes
Mine leaked for about two days. I think it depends on how easily your skin heals. I did have to have the wound drained about twice after the leaking had stopped, but that’s quite normal as the fluid tends to build up again for a couple of weeks.
I would have a chat with your BC nurse, she’ll be the best person to advise you.
Take care
Linda x
Hi Gill
Had my op on Mon 26th Nov and then had drain in for 12 days and then it came out - I knocked it getting dressed!
There was still a lot of liquid in there - some of which was expressed for me !! My armpit also swelled up a bit - that was worrying.
Was expecting to leak everywhere but not much came out so have had to have it drained (like a reverse injection) twice since - last Tuesday and again today. May also need doing next week.
Obviously you need to check with your nurse but I would say it’s best if it drains out than collects and then has to be syringed out - you may have less risk of infection.
In anticipation of a flood I dressed mine (while it was leaking) with 2 or 3 gauzes first and then half a sanitary towel on top - might as well put all that research to good use!!!
By the way - mine was a lymph node drain.
Hope this helps
Thanks all. It has now stopped leaking. Just wanting the awful bruising to heal and to get complete movement back in my arm. Keep doing those exercises!!
Gill x