drains taken out....your experience please

I had my 2 removed by a student nurse (her first guinea pig ) told to take a deep breath and it was out and the same for the second one


Congratulations Lavendersun.
I hope mine is coming out tomorrow. They keep telling me I’m leaking too much but it now hurts so much I want to cry all the time or strangle someone. OH gone to bed very quietly in fear of his life I think. I even had a bit of a nag at my wonderful consultant this afternoon.

Sorry to hear you had an unfortunate experience. I had 2x drains for mastectomy and 2 more for reconstruction and can honestly say that felt a little pull on one but really quite painless for the others. Take a deep breath and breath out as they take out the drain!!! Not very nice I know but you can do it, and I am Miss Sqeemish, good luck.

MIne is a similar experience to many of you. After MX I had 2 drains out both very painfu and I felt every pull every millimetre. When I had recon 18 months later I was dreading the drains coming out and had worked myself up into a bit of a panic. Panic was unfounded though as the drains came out without me noticing them. I would definitly take painkillers before having them removed as this does help.


millymolly, sorry to hear you are in so much pain, and hope your drain comes out tomorrow. The district nurse told me if it is getting really uncomfortable, it means it’s ready to come out. Although the only thing that caused me pain was the tubing. It was glued to my side and I couldn’t lay on it. I piggled most of the glue off before it was removed properly, it was so sore - and itchy. Still is, 5 weeks later!! I feel such a moaning wimp when I think of the fuss I made over one drain, when I read of what you ladies suffered with more than that.