
I had my op last thursday week = mastectomy, three nodes taken.
Discharged with supply of dressings 24 hours after. I still havent changed my dressings. They look clean, I have been very careful not to get them wet,
but I cant bring myself to change them, How long can I leave them on ? I have my test results appt on the 17th so will have to remove them by then.
I have tried to ring BCN to see if I can go up to the clinic to get them changed but they arenot in the office today. I feel well apart from skin under arm and back being extremely sore, but dont think this is down to any infection. I would rather not look at my wound until the last possible moment, do you think I can safely leave these dressings on. Dont really want to go to my docs.

Hi Horsemad,

I’ve read your other posts re being discharged so quickly however if its any comfort I was in hospital for 7 days after my mx and recon and the dressings weren’t changed at all. In fact they weren’t changed at all only removed when I went back for my results appt approximately 10 days after. I think unless there is obvious blood or other stuff coming through they are best left well alone. The dressings are to protect your wounds whilst they heal but they are more to protect your clothing etc as you will have been stitched etc. Its only where you have an infection or other wound issue they change the dressings more often (I am currently having to change dressings every 24 to 36 hours but thats cos I have something horrid going on with my scar and they are putting stuff in it every time they change it).

If you are really worried then leave a message for the BCN to call back as they are normally pretty good and will call you tomorrow and one more day won’t hurt.


Thanks Ostrich !

I had my mastectomy a year ago, though no node removal at all, so all I had was a neatly stitched scar where my breast had been.

When I asked the nurse about dressing changes and whether a district nurse (or similar) would come and see me at home after I had been discharged, she told me that the dressing would come off after two days and that was that! End of!

Although I had to stay in hospital for 4 nights in order for the amount of stuff draining into the bag to be reduced to <40ml (or whatever) in 24 hours, dressings were never discussed after the removal of the initial dressing.

hi i had mx and imm recon last dec. i only stayed in three days hated it. they arranged for a district nurse to come and change my dressings daily. then something weird went on no infection but blisters all around base of boob nowhere near scar. the nurses continued coming till i could face doing it myself which was 4 months later…i was quite capable of going to the doctors myself for dressings but they were happy coming out so i let them. i went on to have chemo forgetting that… now on herceptin. i have fought to get treatment at home as everyone is allowed it no cost and now i am sailingthrough it etc that take at least 6 attempts to get in veins. good luck and take care. julie

When I had my lumpectomy I was given dressings and was told to visit my nurse at my local doctors surgery which I did and they used the dressings provided, I didn’t want to even look at that and I didn’t. I am having my mastectomy tomorrow and I suspect I will be told to do the same thing - although I was not happy withthe 2nd dressing change I would prefer to go to hospital when the dressings run out to have them changed as my local surgery do not have the same dressings as the hospital

Went to have dreswsings removed at hospital today, BC nurse drained off a load of fluid which I hope will reduce the terible soreness in my skin… That wasnt painful at all. Cant look at scar though, will wait until I see Surgeon next week for results, and maybe then be brave enough. Got nasty feeling that BC nurse knows my results and something else beyond DCIS found.