Hopefully will be there - having to have more radiotherapy this week at Addenbrookes as back playing up but I’ll have a word with my other 3 friends and see how they’re fixed as well.
Hopefully will be there - having to have more radiotherapy this week at Addenbrookes as back playing up but I’ll have a word with my other 3 friends and see how they’re fixed as well.
Hi all
I have been away for a few days and things do seem to have moved on. So, am I getting this right, we meet at the Red Lion, Grantchester on Tuesday 29 April. I presume we will be getting there for about 12.00-12.30 and leave when we are thrown out.
OK then that is a done deal - see you all there.
Is anyone going to warn these poor people that we are going to arrive or shall we just turn up?
ps I have left a message with the Events Team at the South Bank to see if they can accommodate us for our Cinders Day - I’ll keep you posted
Hi Blondie, the Red Lion (unless things have changed since my last visit) closes at 3. They’ll know we’re coming.
Count me in and probably the other 3 friends of mine - will email them.
Looking forward to it.
Hi everyone,
I will book a table nearer the time when I have a better idea of numbers. Blondie - are you sure you weren’t hiding under the table at one of our lunches? You have sussed our usual routine to a tee.
Hi Guys!
Seems this sounds great! i can do the 29th too!! Im still new too all of this and im sure some of you speak quite regularly, be gentle with me!!!
Sounds fun def. count me in!
Hema, look forward to meeting you!
Just moving this up to the top again in case any other secondaries ladies can join us…
April 29th…at Grantchester, near Cambridge.
And moving this up again for Beckyh…x
Would love to join you ladies but my OH is away on a conference so I need to be near home for school run etc. (Also at work that day so doing juggling act already!) I’m in Herts so would consider coming up if you have another one.
Please let us know in great detail how it went!
Love Jacquie x
Bringing this back to the top for Kelly
K x