
Yes I get an echo and an ECG every three months. CT every six weeks. It’s alot but I appreciate how well I am being monitored.
I hope I eventually move to every four to six month scans!

I have had 14 treatments and my LVEF has dropped to 46% , I now have to see a cardiologist. Has this happened to anyone else?
Now I feel like I’ve had a punch in the stomach, anxiety all over again.

i was first diagnosed with breast ca in 2015. i had 6 rounds of chemo a mastectomy then radiotherapy. i also had a full node clearance on my left side.
i was rediagnosed in 2019 with with bone and liver mets. i cant remember the first treatment i was on but when that stopped working i was put on kadcyla, i had 26 rounds of this before it stopped working. i was told recently that the kadcyla no longer worked and the cancer was now in my lungs. i have just had my first cycle of enherto and im nit sure what to expect. i have had gi problems and stomach acid coming right up into my mouth. ive read that a very common side affect is hair loss or thinning. has anyone experienced this. it would be nice to hear what i can expect from this treatment.

I have had 19 infusions of enhertu. I had some hair shedding at the beginning, that stopped and I have tons of baby hairs growing now. I occasionally lose my appetite a few days after treatment but I really have no other side effects. I work full time so I feel tired mostly from that I think.

Thanks for replying. I have found the fatigue really bad, especially the days after i stop the steroids. I want to go back to work but im a nurse working 13hr shifts and its palliative end of life so its quite heavy work.

Im going to leave it till i have my second one next week and see if there is a pattern to the side effects. X tv

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So my advice and to give some background on my situation, when I was diagnosed in June 2023, I worked from home until I started treatment in August 2023, I joined a clinical trial with enhertu so there was more testing before treatment started. I am an executive director and manage 26 employees, I took six months leave from my job because mentally I was a mess. I also did not know how I would physically feel with treatment. After about three or four treatments it was the steroids that made me feel worse, I hated how jittery I felt and when they wore off, I mentally felt worse. I did a lot research and realized the side effects of the steroids were not benefiting me and basically told my dr I was not taking them anymore as I had minimal side effects. I think you should see after a few treatments if you have consistent side effects, sounds like you have a mentally and physically demanding job. I have been back to work for seven months and the distraction of work keeps me sane. If I don’t feel 100%, I know to rest, go to bed early or take a mental health day. Your body and mind will tell you what to do.

Hi again dreyaah, have you been told how long Destiny trial lasts?
And do they keep you on Enhertu after?
What do they say about scans and all the monitoring?
After only a year, I find it exhausting.

Hi Angel Eyes, hope you’re well. My wife just had her profile change from HER2 negative to low positive and could now be a candidate for Enhertu: could we please connect about this and discuss your experience with side effects? Thank you.

Could anyone share their experience with hair loss? I’ve had 4 infusions - towards the end of my second cycle I started shedding a lot. I think I have about 40% of the hair I used to have and I’m not sure whether it will just keep going…if I shave it off and go bald, I’m still feeling reluctant to wear a wig during a treatment that I’ll have to be on continuously… Also feeling absolutely wiped out. I haven’t received my scan results yet but I’m already feeling despondent and just can’t fathom continuing on this treatment anymore. It’s really taking a toll on me and the hair loss is just the final straw.

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I didn’t start shedding until after my fourth or fifth treatment of Enhertu. I had tons of hair so the shedding didn’t seem significant, I started to grow back baby hairs as soon as it was shedding, then the shedding just stopped. My hair is still filling out, I’ve had 24 treatments. I get it cut and colored.
I wouldn’t jump the gun and shave right away, the shedding may taper off

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Thank you! My hair was shedding after the second cycle and I am having my 5th cycle now… doesn’t seem to be letting up but I suppose I will just have to be prepared regardless of what happens. Super happy to hear you’ve managed so many cycles! I’m really struggling on this treatment’s, just needing some kind of inspiration to keep going on this. X

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