Eribulin/ Halaven Ladies

Hi Spongebobs :slight_smile:

Here we are on the new forum, Iā€™ve managed to log in and find this threadā€¦ a good start.

Hope you are doing OKā€¦ anyone else had sore tongue?Ā  Iā€™ve had it on about half my cycles so far.Ā  Not too bad tho at the moment itā€™s worse if I talk a lot! LOLā€¦

I was diagnosed with BC 3 yrs ago. Mastectomy, chemo etc etc and thought I was done. BUT the bloody thing is here again in my liver and maybe sternum.
Started on tablet chemo but had every side effect going and it nearly killed me. So to eribulin. 2 cycles in and itā€™s my wonder drug. Having had what I think is a huge impact. I know itā€™s never gonna go but Iā€™m learning to live with cancer. Now Iā€™m 4 cycles in, increased steroids after injection and then reduced steroids after. Iā€™m starting to get the fatigue described here. No sickness!! Fingers crossed this stays the same. Tongue is a mess and taste has gone. Hair has gone. Yet again with eyelashes too. My eyebrows had never really returned. Iā€™ve got a niggley cough and sound as if my voice is going. My sleep pattern varies. I get some indigestion probs and feel like Iā€™ve got a vice around my ribs.
The tiredness is the worst for me. Itā€™s stopping me from doing what I want. Maybe Iā€™m being greedy but I feel Iā€™ve so much to do. This may sound awful but I donā€™t want a ā€˜sell by dateā€™ but i find an open time scale terrifying in case I donā€™t get everything done.
Itā€™s good to read your stories. And find it reassuring to hear how youā€™re all coping. Xxx

The tax had already left me with numbness in toes. This is now worse and in my fingers. My whole foot becomes numb if I cross my legs too long. Iā€™ve also got a slight needs round my mouth. X

Hi folks, I was on eribulin for 7 cycles last year, and I hope I may encourage you today.


For me, fatigue was bad news, but my energy levels returned to normal 3 months after I stopped eribulin.


I did lose my hair and eyebrows, but Iā€™m just beginning to go outdoors without a wig now.Ā  (Not rushing to have it cut, I have a scan in April and I might need another chemo).


Itā€™s so good that there are all these treatments for those of us with mets (mine are liver and bone).

Hi due to start Eribulin next week so any advice will be welcome, anyone tried cold cap ? Donā€™t know whether to bother or not as I know it will increase the time in the chemo unit. This will be my 6 th chemo , I am TNBC and have mets in the lung and pleura and now a spot on my rib ! Feeling a bit fed up with it all xxĀ 

Hi Simpsol. I have just completed 4 rounds of eribulin. My hair loss was quite quick at first but has virtually stopped now. Iā€™m now wondering what to do about it as I have 2 weddings to go to in July. I am extremely tired. Scans soon to see how itā€™s going.

Hi, Iā€™ve been on erubilin since October 2016 with a 3 month break. Iā€™m back on tomorrow. My cousin used the cold cap on herceptin and it worked! Too cold & expensive for me. My hair is thin on top and I wear wigs or at home or exercising a wide band. I like the wigs with the lace front. Do what makes you feel comfortable.

Hi. I hear ya. Iā€™m TNBC & it met to my liver. Had 2/3rd removed & then it just moved to the other 1/3. Praise God its been ā€œcontainedā€ since then. Just started Eribulin last week but low white counts postponed todayā€™s scheduled treatment. Interested in hearing peopleā€™s experiences with this drug. Itā€™s my 4th type of chemo in my 2 1/2 yr. journey.

Withasmile, how do I get to that other thread? Just started on Eribulin.

Hello ladies, i was first diagnosed with Triple Negative breast cancer stage 3 March 2017. I had FEC-TĀ chemo via IV.Ā On the 4th cycleĀ i had a local spread so they added in Carbo.Ā Awful time!Ā if it wasnt bad enough losing my hair, my nailsĀ fell off then i was admitted twice with Neutrapenic sepsis.

March 2018 i wasnt feeling great, mentioned this in my routine oncology appointment.Ā in a matter of 2-3 weeks i had a CT scan, followed by MRIā€™s of the neck, brain, liver & spine.Ā Ā Ā 

April 6th 2018 i was diagnosed stage 4 metastic cancer with mets to my lungs, liver & spine.

I done 3 cycles of Capecitabine & Denosunab injection.

Had a CT scan last Monday - it confirms lungs & spine have stayed the same but i have a new lesion in my liver.

Tomorrow i start Eribulin/Halaven.

I pray it works on my liver.

HelloĀ :smileyhappy:


i have secondary TNBC in my skin and started Eribulim 5 weeks ago. I have just done 2 cycles. I notice no change. The lumps are springing up daily and I donā€™t have any real side effects.Ā 


Is it it too early to see a response? Does TNBC even respond to chemotherapy? I would love to hear from anyone who has a similar experience or has had a positive response to treatment. I also have lymphodema in my right arm, which is a big ā€˜inconvenienceā€™ and I worry that Iā€™ll soon have it in my left arm as the TNBC is now in the lymph under my left arm.


in spite of this I do look and feel incredibly well. Weā€™ve just come home from a weekend in London and I walked and we packed a lot in, despite having day 8 chemo on Thursday.


Love and Ā best wishes fellow Eribulim and forum ladies. Xx