erm and oh, not sure where to post this!

Not sure if this is important or if I’m just over reacting! Diagnosed last October and have done chemo and rads. Have a pain in my clavicle which if I’m totally honest was there before my bc diagnosis. Got my first follow up appointment on 11th aug but i’m too scared to say anything, i know that sounds daft but I couldn’t bare any more treatment, really. On the other hand, I don’t want to risk my life! My tumour was only 2.5 cm, lymph nodes were fine but had some vascular invasion.
I know i’m a muppet, just don’t know what to do
k xx

Hi K
No you are not a muppet, and you do know what to do!
We are all frightened, but you have already gone through so much treatment, why take a chance on getting this checked out?
l was talking to a lady a few weeks ago with the bcn, the lady said she had some bleeding, been to see the doctor about something else, but never mentioned the bleeding, said she had enough of treatment, but at the same time she was worried. Obviously after talking to the bcn she went back to the doctors, she had piles! but the worry overtook her reasoning.
So on the 11th August, you know what you must do. so good luck
Sandra xxx

thanks sandra
I know you’re right, I don’t want to do these sleepless nights any more! It’s just so soon after treatment, don’t want to be worrying my hubby and family any more. Thought I’d at least get a few months without having to think about it!
I’ll tell my onc, thanks love
Hope all is ok with you
kate xx

Hi K,
I’m sorry that you have this worry. I expect you were already worried about your follow up appt. I spoke to a lady the other day who was having her 3rd follow up check, she said she felt really healthy but was still worried (she was fine by the way).

I know that the thought of treatment and tests fills you with dread but just think if you tell them and they check it out, you won’t have to worry about it anymore. If you don’t say anything then you will never be free from the worry. You have already been worrying about this for nearly a year.

I really think you need to tell them and get it out of the way.

All the best and good luck for the 11th.


Hi Kate,

I had a similar pain and much the same reaction about 4 months ago. I knew the worry was making me get things out of proportion but just couldn’t face up to it. I did eventually mention it at my yearly surgical check-up last month and the surgeon had a good poke about. There is thickening of the tissue around my clavicle and on my neck so it feels lumpy but it’s due to radiotherapy damage. More importantly I left there pretty reassured. Hopefully you’ll get the same relief.

Jan xx

You’ll end up with sleepless nights if you don’t mention it-so what’s there to gain by doing that? Apart from that, it’s foolish to take chances with your health-although if you genuinely don’t want any more treatment, then that too should be respected. But somehow I don’t think that’s the case-but,you can’t have it both ways. If you’re sure the issue was tehre pre diagnosis, then fine, if not, get it checked. Cancer is a sneaky beast, and if/when it recurrs, it will become a terminal condiotion which would mean you would need treatment for the rest of your life (like me).Do you really want to risk that happening?

Hi K, I think most of us have muppet moments now and again, and we’re right to have them if we are worried about anything, no matter how big or small.
I had shoulder pain last year and did nothing about it, when I finally did go to the Dr I had a new tumour in the head of humerus bone and went through months of hell.
A couple of months ago I started getting pain on the other side, but in the clavicle. Common sense told me that because I’d recently finished chemo it couldnt be anything sinister, but after last years experience I was off to the GP like a shot. Turns out to be nothing.
You must mention it to someone, chances are it isnt anything seeing as you’ve had chemo and rads, but just think how you will feel if you dont tell anyone and it does turn out to be something sinister.
Its totally normal to feel scared and I feel the same as you about having any more treatment, I just want to scream and run for the hills sometimes, but if we need it, there isnt really any other option.
Hope all goes well. xxxxxx

Thank you all for your comments, always appreciated considering you all have enough to deal with. Took a deep breath and told the onc who had a good feel and doesn’t think there’s anything to worry about. xx