Excercising- advise please

Must admit since my lumpectomy?Node removal 6 weeks ago I have been doing my excercises but probably not as often as I should. However I thought I was doing O.K. but found it easier earlier on as most of my underarm was numb. Now the feeling is back and its ruddy painful. When I say Onc and he examined me his nurse told me afterwards I needed to be able to hold my behind my head for a period of time when I have my rads. I know now I will have to work harder at it, but the worst thing is about from it hurts is when I really try and stretch it it feels like somthing is going to snap ugh! Any advice from you lovely girls?
Norma X

Hi Norma

I know what you mean. I had my lumpectomy on 6 August and trying to put your arm behind your head and press it down towards the floor is really painful and you feel like you are doing some harm. It does gradually get better, if you keep doing the exercises but it does get worse before it gets better! I am starting my rads on 24 September, as I am now going on holiday, but am told it only takes a few minutes, so hopefully we should be OK.


Hi Norma,

Sounds like you might have cording - mine appeared roughly 6 weeks after the operation too and totally put me off exercising which, up to that point, I was doing with religious zeal… There is a section about it on the website, breastcancercare.org.uk/content.php?page_id=458 . Good news is that it will go away. I remember reading about it at the time and there were ladies who continued doing their physio with the help of painkillers - maybe you could look under ‘cording’ in some of the older threads.


Thanks Julie, will put my worst arm forward and be brave! Good luck with your Rads .Which hospital do you go to? Most important enjoy your holiday. I was going to say are you going somewhere nice but it is silly really isn’t it cos one day someone will say no and they’re going somewhere horrible!! We english has some good sayings don’t we.

Norma X

I had this advice from a senior physiotherapist at our local hospital.

Try the hands behind/above the head lying flat on your bed. Use a pillow if you prefer it, this also means you get some support for the arm. Raise both arms to vertical then fold to above your head and take hands to meet just above your head, clasping them lightly.

If you can imagine this, press the lower middle back/spine towards the bed (not buttocks) and then press your elbows down and hold for a few seconds. Even 2 or 3 seconds ot begin with, trying to increas to 5-8 seconds hold. do this 3 times at first, working up to 5; do it morning and evening, when you are still in bed.

Don’t do too much at one time, I was told the muscles and tendons need time to recover, a little 2-3 times a day is better than a long session.

If I do nothing else, I do this exercise.

I am 16 mths from a bilateral mastectomy and have had some specialist physio recently which has helped a lot. It is probably too early for your breast care team to refer you to this (if they will !!!), but try and keep it in mind some months down the line when you feel you should have made more progress. I got to the stage where I apparently had good mobility through the shoulders but it was still ‘uncomfortable’ most of the time and more so on extensions.

Hi Norma

I can back up the above advice of little and often - I did all the exercises perscribed by the physio 3x a day starting the day after surgery, it seems to have worked. I had my WLE (lumpectomy) 2/3/07 and had full movement back with in 8 weeks. One other thing i was advised was to take a painkiller (i.e. paracetamol of ibubrufen) and hour before if needed. I also made a point of trying to do my bra up by reaching behind. It is just one more bit of extra exercise.

Take care goodluck with all the rest of your treatment - love Swanie

Hi Norma


I think I had cording too. It felt like it, anyway, but it has worn off now. We have recently bought a house on the Costa Calida in Spain and we are going there for the first time for a holiday. We went for a few days when we exchanged contracts but not for a proper holiday.


Thanks girls for the advise, have just taken my painkillers so in an hour will tackle the
exercises and sweat it out!

Julie, Costa Calida sounds wonderful, have a cold Sangria and some Tapas for me.

Norma X