Exit site?

I was rather concerned when I noticed some small dark patches on my back about 6" long in a semi circle. I contacted the BC help line and a lovely lady phoned me up on Saturday. She thinks it could be what is called the ‘exit site’. I can only assume that sometimes the rad effects come out on the other side of your body. She has told me however to mention to my Oncologist who I will be seeing on the 17th December. In the meantime I am going to OH to photograph this so I can show him in case they fade. Has anyone else heard this?


Hi Norma
I had what looked like sunburn on my back in a square that was identical to the area being treated. I was told it was the exit site for the rads from my collarbone area. I just covered it in aqueous cream and it settled down when the rads finished.Have you told the radiographers treating you as they will know whether it is normal or not.

Yes! And I didn’t realise what it was and was quite happily scatching away thinking it was a loose tag on my coat that had tickled my back! Oops. After being so careful with the fron too…nevermind! It is a bit of a state now thanks to me, but I am slapping the cream on now and seems to be helping,

Oh also got an aloe vera leaf from a grocers near me on recommendation and the gel straight from leaf is so so lovely on burny skin


Thanks girls, made me feel better. Just makes me wonder though what has happened to the bits in between aarrgghhh!

Norma xx

Hi All

Did that happen during the rads, or after? I haven’t even looked at my back but may be I should?

Amazing power, as you say Normski, for something you can’t actually feel at the time!



hi Dilys

Mine came on about half way through - is getting a little worse now as finished on Monday…but should peak at 2 weeks apparently and then start to go again. phew!


Hi Lizalou

Thanks for that. I have another six sessions to go yet, so will try not to look at my back. No obvious changes to the front yet either, so fingers firmly crossed! Aqueous cream is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?

Have a good weekend
