Hi all
Anyone help me, im due to have a tram/diep reconstruction at the same time as having 2nd masectomy so double recon really, however surgeon has suggested having an expander on masectomy side and inflated over few months to stretch the skin ready for big op apparently it will mean less skin being transferred and will result in a better option - is this normal procedure as really worried about the main op and having another scares me senseless
I haven’t had tram flap recon - but I’ve just got out of hospital with the final stage of recon using tissue expander. When I had my masectomy in November 08 - the surgeon placed a deflated Becker Expander in the pocket of muscle on the chest wall of bc side. This is seen as the least invasive and easiest way of stretching skin or doing a reconstruction. There will be a little port under the skin below the breast that the doctor will use to gradually inflate the implant until it reaches the size you want using saline. This is done every couple of weeks once your scar has healed. The implant doesn’t hurt at all and neither did the inflation - at least in my case. I’ve just had my expander taken out and a permanent implant put in its place. The skin has already healed really well and I’ve had practically no brusing. Very different from the non bc which I’ve had reduced and uplifted at the same time which is very painful indeed!
I had a Tram Flap recon 9 weeks ago, but I didn’t have an expander. I had Mx and immediate recon. My surgeon never mentioned an expander - sorry I couldn’t help.
Hi Lisa, I had a mastectomy and insertion of a tissue expander to preserve my skin for a tram flap later. With the expander in place I had a full course of radiotherapy. One year later I had the TRAM flap done. This week, one year after the TRAM I have had an uplift of the good side and a tidy up of the reconstruction. I feel I have been very lucky to be offered this treatment, as I have been able to wear my usual clothes and underwear for almost all of the time when my treatment was going on, it was just one thing less to worry about. I am still waiting to have my dressings off, but I am very hopefull that I will have symetrical boobs now and I can just forget about the whole BC thing. I am in the west midlands by the way, i wonder if we have the same surgeon?
Good luck, i hope it goes well for you
Hi Lisaf
Have just read your post from April so not sure where you are in terms of surgery now. I had an expander after mx in July which has meant I can wear usual clothes although feels very hard and alien. I am considering a mastectomy on other side and then a double Diep reconstruction. I would love to hear how you got on and hope all is ok with you .
Hi rachel, forgot about this post. I had my expander but as im so huge on one side and my expander filled very high im bound to scarves at the moment.
I am hopefully now having my double recon in April, im terrifed and trying to loose weight have said 10% chance of one failing. The expander has stretched the skin so having a double recon using either tram or diep, terrifed. how are you ? xx