extremely confused and scared

Hi Prawnydawnie
I had a wide local incision on 23rd feb,had to go back in 2 weeks later for all my lodes to be take out…which ment chemo. I had to wait 6 weeks after the op before chemo started, i had my first lot on 24th april I havnt been back to work yet… was hoping too after op but my arm was and still is sore. Thought i could go back between chemo sessions, but reality is different.I have been fine for a week but dont know if i could stand for a whole day ( im an assistant manager in a clothes shop) plus if i go back my ssp would stop. I was woried like you about work, friends tell you health is more important, but that doesnt pay the mortgage!
On a lighter note ive just had a no 3 haircut cos my hair is falling out, and i feel fantastic in my elaborate scarf or hat! got a great wig through the hns, always had short hair so i thought id have a change… now sporting a chin lengh bob, dark brownwith blonde lighlights… only problem is all my friends love it more than my short hair!
thinking of you
jo xx

Hi Praenydawnie. I had my lump removed on the 29th April and went back to work today - for a morning only but then noticed that my GP had signed me off until tomorrow not today so got sent home! .
I normally work full time in a fairly full-on job (training manager in the Fire Serivice, hence the name) but I have told them I will come in for a few hours a day until my next op on the 27th of this month. My consultant said I could go back to work if I wanted to and I spoke to my GP who gave me the certificate for the 2 weeks I have been off. The Breast cancer care nurse advised me not to do the hours I usually do, hence me telling them i would do a few hours a day. I know that my GP will sign me off again if I am finding it too hard.

I was glad to be sent home today as I stupidly put on one of my old bras this morning whilst I was getting into uniform and an hour after getting to work realised I had make a mistake as the seams were plaing havoc with my operation scars and bruising - back to the outsize ones tomorrow !!

I have told work that I don’t know how long I will be off and they will have to wait and see - as will I.

Well done for lasting without a cig - another bit of help - there is a short book by Alan Carr called How to Give up Smoking (or something like that) - get it, read it, it is very easy to read and helps a lot with the psychological side of smoking (which is a good 50% of it) - highly recommended as additional help for you and your lovely supportive partner.

Hope that helps - this forum is great for exchanging ideas.


well done on the stopping smoking prawniedawnie - I’ve been off them now for 9 days. I had some patches in the house from a previous attempt - went to the GP tonight and he gave me a month’s supply - I said I didn’t want to go to a cessation nurse or class cos I just can’t be doing with all this motivational talk … and anyways after sitting talking about the smoking habit for 30 mins I would just want a fag!

I’ve heard good recommendations about that Alan Carr book - must go get myself a copy too.

Hi lolly,

well done for finding that lump when breastfeeding, when breasts are so lumpy at that time anyway! You are soooo positive and an inspiration to others when it must be very hard work for you with the babies. My children are 13 and 12 so I feel lucky that they are able to deal with most things by themselves and are even quite helpful at times.

lots of love and hugs to all you lovely ladies

Hi prawniedawnie

i live in the Lancaster area too and had WLE and SNB at Kendal on 24th April. Waiting for date for rads at Preston. Can’t praise staff at Kendal enough - they were fantastic.

Hi ladies
How are you all feeling today, hope your all feeling ok. I had a very bad day yesterday peed off with the world, asking myself why me? I am getting very nervous about my op next week and I still hav’nt had a cig yet, 4 days now and very proud with myself, I thought I would never do it. Thanks for the advice about the alan carr book Firebird I will look out for it. Well done right back at you Lilacblushes for the giving up smoking, how are you finding it ? I’m finding it not too bad it’s my other half thats finding it hard. I will have to tell work that I just don’t know when I will be back like you Baglady, I enjoy my job too…Not Fair! Wow Firebird …working with all those men in uniform eh! Isn’t Lolly such an inspiration and so brave, I feel such a coward. Hey Valkyrie… A local lass eh! Hope you are healing well and thanks for the comforting words about Kendal hospital, how old are you ? and do you have a family around you ?
Well gonna go night night now as I am tired.
Love to all of you