
I was wondering if anyone out there has had problems with getting their eyebrows back. I have finished Chemo a year and a half now and only have a fraction of the eybrow hair I used to have. I never plucked my eyebrows before so i can’t understand why thats the only thing that has not come back.

I know it is only trivial but it is making a difference with me getting on with my life! I still feel like i look ill when i look in the mirror. Has anyone out there had there eyebrows come back fully but taken longer than 1 1/2 years for it to come back.???

Mine are ather better than before, Marymo.My chaemo finished last November. I apply vaseline every night.
No itis NOT trivial - we sisters have suffered enough - these details must be put right
Best wishes

I am pleased for you !! I wish mine were.

I am definately goingto try the vaseline thing!! Do you think I still have a chance for them to come back even though I finished my treatment in May 06?

Thanks for replying I really appreciate it


Finished chemo 15 months ago, still no eyebrows I’m afraid.
Thought it was only me!!!

Might give the vaseline a try too.
